Local Music Reviews
Mumbleak Music
Street: 09.13
Mideau = Florence and the Machine + Daughter
Rising like something out of a dream, Mideau combine soft vocals with ethereal symphonic elements and mythical-sounding synthesizers to create a whimsical swirl of some of the dreamiest electro-pop you’ve ever heard. “Feet to the Sun,” “Way With Words” and “Opelika” showcase the duo’s more upbeat pop sounds, which are fraught with delightfully sweet melodies accompanied by misty synth sounds and sometimes the occasional harp. The rest of the album features a slower, softer and more haunting vibe. Dark piano chords and heavier drums make for a melancholy addition to the more upbeat songs, while still keeping true to its dreamy theme. In short, this album has become the soundtrack to my REM cycle. –Allison Shephard