Local Review: Little Sap Dungeon – Silent Entities

Local Music Reviews

Little Sap Dungeon Silent Entities

Little Sap Dungeon
Silent Entities

LSD = Skinny Puppy + Godflesh + Lustmord


From the industrial sector of Salt Lake City’s dark underbelly the entity known as Little Sap Dungeon (LSD for short) spawns. This is one hell of a dark and brutal CD! The crashing tide of sound ranges from subliminal ambience to mind-raping harsh noise from start to finish. Of course, something like this will be abundant in samples, some of which have to be the most disturbing heard anywhere. This is industrial the way it was meant to be—no EBM beats, goggles, or feminine European wonderboys on vocals! Instead, mix the harshest and most hideous elements of Skinny Puppy, Godflesh, Swans, etc. and take before bedtime. Just don’t call me screaming at 4 a.m.