Local Music Reviews

Smile and Wave
Street: 04.25
Giraffula = Neon Trees + TOBACCO
A variety of influences are packed into this electro-pop composite. There’s some Robert Smith–inspired vocals on “Haunting Me,” bass akin to Radiohead on “Magic Figure 8,” and even some Kraftwerk-meets–Black Moth Super Rainbow on “Geronimo.” Wacky hip-hop track “Pizza Party” sounds like MC Chris and weirds me out, though it did give me a new fetish: slapping asses with pizza slices. These tracks aren’t overproduced like you’d find in some electro bands. The album has a fresh, polished sound that keeps its humanity while using off-kilter vocals and spacey guitars that augment the digital sorcery. Giraffula is best at crafting songs that steadily add new elements onto towering sound walls, a concept best illustrated by “Space Song.” He keeps it light, has a sense of humor, and he’s got some solid tracks. Put Giraffula on your playlist for summer—or winter, or spring or whatever. Just listen, aight? –CJ Morgan