Local Music Reviews
Deny Your Faith
End of Days
Street: 01.02.12
Deny Your Faith = Avenged Sevenfold + Halford
Deny Your Faith are Salt Lake local metalheads doing an earnest mix of Ozzfest style noodling and a dose of operatic ’80s power-metal. Competent guitar playing bolsters this throughout (check “Shadow of Doubt” and “Shot Down in Flames”), while a rippling dose of melodic crooning takes this beyond the confines of “one, two, feck you” death-foolery, and delivers white-heat, hard rock, radio-inspired alt-thrash to your heart. Maybe the whole “end of the world” bit seems a tad shticky, but, if there’s one thing we’ve learned from decades of Mel Gibson films, Def Leppard records and c-c-c-c-c-cocaine, it’s that no matter how hot the skyline’s fires are burnin’, there’s always a place for red-hot American love and a few guitar solos. –Dylan Chadwick