Local Review: Bleary – Ventriloquate

Local Music Reviews


Xstatic Studios
Street: 06.2006
Bleary = I Am Electric + The Brobecks – irony + The New Transit Direction

I wouldn’t exactly say I like Bleary, but I can’t say they’re bad either. I don’t have the musical ability to start or play in a band, so I can respect that they’ve gotten their shit together and released an EP. The instrumental music on Ventriloquate is very calm, but the vocalist sounds like he’s forcing himself to sing, and on some songs it seems as though he really wants to throw up. It almost sounds like lead singer, Cory Castillo is trying to sound much more sensitive that he is. The music also sounds too similar to me. The EP really is just kind of bleary; it comes off as forced to me. Despite the issues that I have with the group, the music might be something I’d find myself listening to as I try to take a quick power nap. -Josh McGillis