Wizard Fest
You’ve probably never heard of Tommy Dolph’s Wizard Fest. He probably likes it better that way. If this outdoor music fest blew up like others it would lose its charm. Wizard Fest is in its fourth year and if you’re web-savvy, love local music and are comfortable with driving towards the middle of nowhere—you might find yourself at one hell of a party.
This year’s live-music line up includes Dos Hombres Van A Morir, Sunday School, Ben Thunderblood, Antelope Island, Reciprocal Redux and Dolph’s own band, After the Party. Dolph’s party will also feature the trickery of magician Matt Bruce, an art show and a “local history mystery” museum to give partygoers a bit of background on the location.
The fun goes down on Saturday, May 30. The location won’t be announced until a few days before the show. Cardboard wizards will mark the way. Past Wizard-Fest’s have gone down in abandoned factories, the Sun Tunnels and the Spiral Jetty. Keep your eyes glued to myspace.com/aftertheparty for an invite to this party.
Keep them peeled for the wizards during the drive too. If you’ve missed the wizards, you’re missing the party.
Music starts around three. It will go until no one can stand it anymore.