Localized: Debrider
This scalding summer is getting even hotter with brutal riffs and growls delivered by DiseNgaged and Debrider. Admitted Bastard will kick off this headbanger’s heaven at 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 11 at Kilby Court. Sponsored by Riso-Geist, the show costs just $5 for entry. Get tickets here.
Two years ago, an eavesdropper was dropping a few eaves at Proper Burger Company. This is where Bryan Blanco first overheard Max Muscolino and Johnny Nikoloff talking about music. And later, through some mutual friends, Jake Arnold joined the band that we know and love today as Debrider (pronounced “de-breeder”). Ever since this initial formation, the band has been releasing fast-paced and heavy tracks for listeners everywhere to jam to.
Each member had always known they’d wanted to play music since their youth, influenced by Archspire and Necrophagist. “Anthony Jackson all day!” says Muscolino. Arnold admits that the album Alive by Hiromi had a huge impact on the band’s songwriting process as well.
When I inquire about the writing journey for their newest single “Asylum,” Muscolino says, “It’s like a battle of the motifs.” Arnold agrees with this. “Imagine vocals battling signatures with a twist of cosmic horror and a hint of ancient lore,” he says.
“I like to think it feels as though it’s two ideas complementing each other with sidequests,” says Nikoloff. With these expressions, one would imagine they were traversing through an open-world video game with a sword strapped to their hip, looking for their next big adventure.
“I like to think it feels as though it’s two ideas complementing each other with sidequests.”
Debrider first played a show together at Urban Lounge at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Each member of the band had plenty of stage experience beforehand, so nerves weren’t necessarily a factor. However, navigating the public safety rules of COVID-19 was an entirely different challenge, along with accepting that not many people were leaving their homes to scope out the local music scene. But Debrider persisted, and went on to open for bands like Born of Osiris and Aborted Angel.
They’ve since played with quite a few local favorites as well, including Babygirl and Snuff Tape. One of their favorite shows was at 9th and 9th Book & Music Gallery, especially because “someone brought a young child wearing big headphones to the show,” says Blanco. This just proves that locals of all ages support the metal scene and the musicians in it.

Musicians must also support other musicians. When I ask Debrider what advice they’d give to aspiring metalheads everywhere, including their younger selves, their answers are profoundly different but all incredibly insightful.
“Don’t write to impress people, write what you enjoy and want to play,” says Arnold. “Push your boundaries.”
“Don’t hold on to a song for two years because you’re trying to make it perfect,” says Blanco. “Put a good amount of work into it and make it the best you can. Keep on making new music.”
“Don’t get comfortable,” says Muscolino. “If you get comfortable, then you start resting on your morals and you start stagnating. You’ve got to be suffering and continuously moving forward in an uncomfortable state to be able to progress musically. Be willing to make other people uncomfortable for the sake of your art, because if you’re not, are you really creating anything new or just regurgitating someone else’s creation?”
“Listen to music outside of the genre that you play and write in,” says Nikoloff. “It’s not only liberating to experience a new variety, but it’s important to seek inspiration from everywhere. I mean, inspiration can be found in everything, even nature. It’s just about how we interpret that and convey that in what makes sense to us.”

“Don’t write to impress people, write what you enjoy and want to play.”
Debrider wants everyone to be their authentic selves when creating and writing music. Otherwise, how else could a musician translate the message they are trying to convey? Catch Debrider live in all of their glory at July’s Localized on Thursday, July 11 at Kilby Court and follow the band on Instagram at @debriderfuqsllc.
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