British Post-punk legends Mission UK and The Chameleons made their way to Salt Lake City for a show at Metro Music Hall on September 29, 2023. In their first tour to the United States in almost a decade, Mission UK teamed up with fellow post-punk band The Chameleons to put on a show their fans will never forget.
Photos: Jeff Carlisle
The Chameleons at The Metro. Photo: Jeff Carlisle
The Chameleons at The Metro. Photo: Jeff Carlisle
The Chameleons at The Metro. Photo: Jeff Carlisle
The Chameleons at The Metro. Photo: Jeff Carlisle
The Chameleons at The Metro. Photo: Jeff Carlisle
The Chameleons at The Metro. Photo: Jeff Carlisle
The Chameleons at The Metro. Photo: Jeff Carlisle
The Chameleons at The Metro. Photo: Jeff Carlisle
Wayne Hussey (right) and Simon Hinkler (left) of The Mission UK take the stage at The Metro. Photo: Jeff Carlisle
L–R: Craig Adams, Simon Hinkler and Wayne Hussey of The Mission UK. Photo: Jeff Carlisle
Wayne Hussey frontman for The Mission UK. Photo: Jeff Carlisle
Wayne Hussey. Photo: Jeff Carlisle
Wayne Hussey. Photo: Jeff Carlisle
The Mission UK at The Metro Music Hall. Photo: Jeff Carlisle
Wayne Hussey performing a solo without the rest of the band. Photo: Jeff Carlisle
The Mission UK at The Metro Music Hall. Photo: Jeff Carlisle
Simon Hinkler of The Mission UK. Photo: Jeff Carlisle
Wayne Hussey. Photo: Jeff Carlisle
Wayne Hussey of The Mission UK. Photo: Jeff Carlisle
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