The Long Beach, alternative, indie, electronic and dance move–infused band half•alive comes to Salt Lake City to play a packed all-ages show at The Depot. This downtown venue just on the merger of South Temple and 400 West has the marquee lit up, security geared up with their wands and lines seen all the way down the block. Rows and rows of teens, couples and fans are waved in one at a time at doors and make their way to the main floor!
Upon attendees piling in, some make their way to the front for a spot at the rail, some to the back to chill in their own space and others to the balcony level to grab a beer. House music plays over the venue’s speakers and there are periodic “woooo!”s of excitement. The band won’t come on stage for another few minutes, but the crowd doesn’t seem too restless, singing along with “Stacy’s Mom” from Fountains Of Wayne and “Holiday” from Green Day over the speakers until the show finally begins.
First up on the two-act show docket is the LA formed, indie, electronic, slightly R&B duo slenderbodies. Sneaking a peak of the performers coming off the elevator just through the curtains, the few in the crowd murmur “I see them!”. The room goes dark and band takes the stage by two mics placed evenly on the stage. slenderbodies then proceeds to sweetly, subtly and some might say, passionately, woo the audiences’ ears as hands go up in the air and everyone in the house hangs onto every word of the entire set.
After a break in the mood, the house lights come up and shirts start flying off the merch table like hot cakes until it’s time for half•alive. “Half…a…LIVE! Half…a…LIVE!” shouts the audience, loud enough for the band to hear as they make their way up the elevator. One by one they take positions ending with Josh Taylor in the spotlight. As the lights dim, spots flip on and music starts! For the next 20 minutes it seems like no breaks were taken as vocals are sung (verbatim by the crowd), music plays and band members and crew take turns moving mic stands, using flashlights, playing instruments and participating in impressive, exhausting dance routines. All together, it was an amazing show that had the concrete floor flexing with all the happy, dancing feet of the attendance.
Lines almost reach the end of the block to get into the venue at the Depot. Photo: @Lmsorenson
The half•alive merch table set up and good to go! Photo: @Lmsorenson
slenderbodies starting off their set with some slower, lofi electric pop sounds. Photo: @Lmsorenson
The dynamic duo of slenderbodies takes the stage in the dark and starts playing. Photo: @Lmsorenson
The fans are totally enamored by the music at the Depot. Photo: @Lmsorenson
slenderbodies loves basking in the blue light while jamming. Photo: @Lmsorenson
slenderbodies’ members seem to have a fantastic time on stage. Photo: @Lmsorenson
slenderbodies’ singer’s falsetto lends itself very well to the music. Photo: @Lmsorenson
slenderbodies playing on stage at the Depot. Photo: @Lmsorenson
slenderbodies opening for Half Alive at The Depot in SLC. Photo: @Lmsorenson
slenderbodies’ guitarist on stage at the Depot. Photo: @Lmsorenson
slenderbodies playing to a packed house. Photo: @Lmsorenson
slenderbodies as seen at this all ages show at the Depot. Photo: @Lmsorenson
“We have one more song for you SLC,” says slenderbodies. Photo: @Lmsorenson
Everyone starting to hop to the beat. Photo: @Lmsorenson
The band’s merch flying off the table. Photo: @Lmsorenson
half•alive takes the stage in a dramatic fashion. Photo: @Lmsorenson
half•alive members take to their instruments as the theatrics begin! Photo: @Lmsorenson
Josh Taylor of half•alive being illuminated by hand torch from crew. Photo: @Lmsorenson
half•alive playing at the Depot in Salt Lake City. Photo: @Lmsorenson
Finishing “still feel.,” the crowd agrees and cheers with half•alive. Photo: @Lmsorenson
Josh Taylor of half•alive on stage at the Depot in SLC. Photo: @Lmsorenson
half•alive wouldn’t be a complete show without some dance moves, would it? Photo: @Lmsorenson
Drummer for half•alive on stage taking cues from lead singer for the next move. Photo: @Lmsorenson
half•alive’s Josh Taylor performing with unlimited energy. Photo: @Lmsorenson
Lead singer back flips should be a requirement at every live show. Photo: @Lmsorenson
Josh Taylor seems to be having the best time dancing and singing on stage with his bandmates. Photo: @Lmsorenson
Embrace turns to dance turns to embrace during the show at The Depot with half•alive. Photo: @Lmsorenson
Josh Taylor of half•alive rocking out. Photo: @Lmsorenson
Dance moves as fast as the eye can see in the dark from half•alive. Photo: @Lmsorenson
All toes with some great moves during the half•alive show in SLC. Photo: @Lmsorenson
half•alive playing at the Depot in SLC. Photo: @Lmsorenson
Josh Taylor in the spotlight during a show at the Depot in SLC. Photo: @Lmsorenson
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