Issues: Issue 274 - October 2011
Immolation has been at their craft since 1988, brutalizing death metal fans and pushing not only the American extreme metal scene into new territory, but the world scene as well. They’re a band often emulated and praised, but the relative obscurity of their music has lent them to be described by their fans and critics as underrated. Immolation is headlining a show in Salt Lake City, Oct. 20 at the Complex—It’s the first time they have been in town since the mid-’90s.
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Bubblegum Thunderstorm: Spell Talk Crackles and Booms
I barely beat the rain as I roll into an open garage where drummer Sammy Harper of Spell Talk shoots a game of pool on a worn down table. Bassist Jared Phelps shuffles about while guitarist Andrew Milne lounges on a couch next to new member and rhythm guitarist Elle Rasmussen, who quietly smokes a cigarette. The quartet is like a calm set of siblings on another stormy day, but they keep a loud secret in their pockets: a physically engaging album that will have you ready to stomp your feet and holler along with the band’s newborn thunder. … read more

From the Ground Up: the Birth of Grassroots Powdersurfing
Grassroots Powdersurfing is a company that produces bindingless snow tools. Not quite a snowboard, skateboard or surfboard, these products offer consumers an alternative that has a feel of it all. Similiar to a NoBoard or early Snurfer, these boards are used to surf the snow, but what makes these boards different is the lack of ropes or handles to help the board steer. … read more
Weekend Warriors
By the time you read this article, school will be back in full swing. Just like all the grown-ups, all the teenagers and college students will be confined to weekend skateboard missions. Being a weekend warrior sounds like a severe loss of freedom, at least when you think about it during the relaxing summer months. However, fall often brings some of the best skateboarding. The best way to enjoy your free time is to have less of it. … read more

The Blue Plate Special
If you have never heard of The Blue Plate Diner, you need to quickly look around at those people you call “friends” and reassess your relationships. The diner has been winning awards for “Best Breakfast” for almost a decade, been featured on the Food Network show Diners, Drive-ins and Dives and shows no signs of slowing down. In addition to the accolades for their breakfast offerings, The Blue Plate should not be overlooked as a lunch or dinner option. … read more
Princess Kennedy: Human Garbage
This month SLUG is celebrating John Waters and his works and accomplishments. I would like to fill you in on why we, as an LGBT community, celebrate him. Quite frankly, it’s because he is the filthiest human in the world. Let me rephrase––he is the most outwardly expressive and unapologetic piece of human garbage. To the untrained reader, it might seem that I am bashing Waters, but trust me, in some circles of filth, this is a huge compliment. … read more
Mike Brown: My White Truck
I had the same white truck for 14 years. A few weeks ago I sold my truck to a guy named Dick Weed. I’m not sure how that’s gonna look on the bill of sale, but he was excited to buy it and I was excited to sell it. As Dick Weed and his girlfriend were driving away, a little piece of my heart cracked and I felt like I was selling my dog or my child into slavery. … read more
Beautiful Godzilla: The New Woman
I’ll be completely honest here and admit that I’d never heard of Annie Kopchovsky until a few weeks ago when I found out Salt Lake’s second ever women-only alleycat was in the works and dubbed the “Kopchovsky Cat.” Guaranteed you’ve never heard of her either, and some of you are probably wondering what the fuck an alleycat is, too. I’ll get to that in a minute. … read more

Dear Dickheads – October 2011
Dear Dickheads,
The stick I have up my ass today comes from the fucking budweiser ads on the back cover of the mag. To me, this seems totally hypocritical of everything else you try to convey. Be individual, buy local, drink craft, and fuck corporate. Anheuser busch is none of these things. … read more

Gallery Stroll – October 2011
Whether you’re looking for art on the first Friday, the second Friday, the third Friday, or just a random day in October, there is always art to be seen and SLUG will always make sure you know what’s going on. … read more