Issues: Issue 262 - October 2010
Video Game Reviews – October 2010
LEGO Harry Potter, Metro 2033 and Starcraft II are reviewed. … read more
Beer Reviews – October 2010
While Utah has managed to maintain an archaic bubble that leaves the majority of us dry humping away at sanity, occasionally there is a small glimmer of hope that makes us think there is a chance. Recently, this small glimmer of hope comes in the form of “on-premises bottling for higher gravity beer.” Utah has already seen Epic Brewing open based around this law, and with many local breweries dishing out high point beers, one can only hope it will further the Utah beer scene. … read more
Book Reviews – October 2010
Coffee, Tea or Kool-Aid: Which Party Politics Are You Swallowing?, Henry & Glenn Forever and The Story of Island Records are reviewed.
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Dear Dickheads – October 2010
So, I have a request, and I dont think it too unreasonable, though maybe it is. Heres why I write; first, some disclaimer: I was not raised in this wonderful little valley so you may find my opinions to be irrelevant. This would not surprise me, given what I am about to complain about. Though I have some hope a few other adjectives may come to mind, such as ‘objective’ or ‘insightful’… maybe not. Anyways…… … read more
Rough Side Of Da Trax
It could have been any hot summer Saturday—it should be every hot summer Saturday. We met at the newly constructed testament of the human will: Brick and Mortar skate shop. I was greeted by a mass of smiling friends, my extended family—a sweaty, dirty, wounded, raised-by-the-streets pack of wolves—blood brothers. The UTA Trax approached, we boarded, and anarchy ensued. … read more
Levi Faust: Iceman
“Iceman: it’s the way he flies, ice cold, no mistakes … ” That quote is right out of Top Gun and if you’ve ever seen Levi Faust skate, then you know it describes him perfectly. His focus is impeccable. You can see it in his face as he rolls up to a spot, feet perfectly placed, eyes locked on the target. He understands skating like most can never comprehend. I think it’s all the sugar he eats. … read more
HartBreaker: A Jon Hart Story
I’ve known Jon Hart for a little over ten years, since he was about fifteen. I recently met his mom for the first time and she wondered why we’d never met. He told her it was because he didn’t want her to know he was out skating with grown ass men when he was a teenager. Back in the day, Jon was this kid we all used to see at the St. George Skatepark. He had a mean kickflip even back then. Him and his buddies would go and skate all the old spots, like the Pine View High rail and the Dixie High big four/ledges. … read more
Contributor Limelight: Bethany Fischer
Bethany Fischer or “B” is a force to be reckoned with – whether she be shooting photos, writing hip-hop reviews or putting nerdy business men in their place for making snotty remarks about her tattoos. … read more