Written In Blood: Hard Music for a Hard World

Written In Blood: Hard Music for a Hard World

Channel Zero Unsafe Metal Blade Some of the most unlikely places spawn some of the best music. The latest case being that of Belgium’s Channel Zero. The band formed in Brussels in 1990, have released two albums overseas, and have finally had the chance to bring their unique style of metal to the United States.

Waterdog Interview

Waterdog Interview

WD: Hello. SLUG: Hello.  WD: How’s it going?  SLUG: Pretty good, who is this?  WD: This is Terry.  SLUG: Terry from Waterdog?  WD: Yeah, and Bill‘s here.  SLUG: Do both of you play Rickenbackers, both guitar players?  WD: No none of us do. Our bass player plays a Rickenbacker.  SLUG: Oh, because the…  WD: Yeah,

Truly Interview

Truly Interview

Truly likes to leave a unique impression on their listeners. “We want to give them something different, [something] that they can’t get from any other band,” vocalist Robert Roth said. For the Salt Lake audience at DV8 on October 3, they may have left a lasting impression.  After only a few minutes into their set,

The Tragically Hip

The Tragically Hip

The interview with the Tragically Hip was done for one reason: to gain free access to the Page and Plant show at the Delta Center. As is more often the case than otherwise, the guest list at the Delta Center was missing a few names. The next time there is a show at the Delta

The Stiff Sheet … November 1995

The Stiff Sheet … November 1995
By , , ,

The Stiff Sheet from November 1995 has reviews of popular albums by the SLUG team. … read more

Local Band: Nine Spine Stickleback

Local Band: Nine Spine Stickleback

In the September issue of this here rag, I did a CD review of Prospector, by the local band Nine Spine Stickleback. At that time, I had very little information on them. Well, since that time, I’ve had the opportunity to meet the band and see them play live. After hearing the CD, I was

Gene: The Soul of a Youthful Britain

Gene: The Soul of a Youthful Britain

The US press has been going ga-ga over the latest British pop sensation, Gene. Gene has been getting rave reviews across the country, both for their live shows and their debut CD, Olympian on A&M Records. Oh the night of October 13th the Zephyr Club played host to the polite English lads for their Salt



There must be a dozen brilliant records each year that are overlooked by radio, press and music video outlets. With an aggressive approach by Atlantic Records and some media exposure, New York City’s the Dragmules are bound to become a success. Their major label debut, 2A (named after a bar in the East Village of

Comics About Lawyers and Monsters … Or You Might Ask, What’s the Difference?

Comics About Lawyers and Monsters … Or You Might Ask,...

It snowed the week Batton Lash, writer and artist of Wolff & Byrd: Counselors of the Macabre (a comic about lawyers who represent the supernatural because even monsters need legal counsel), flew into Salt Lake City with his lovely wife and publisher, Jackie Estrada. They were on a mission to autograph books for comic fans

Gang Of Four

Gang Of Four

The seminal Gang Of Four released their new album Shrinkwrapped in September. This is the group’s first recording since 1991’s Mall. The Gang Of Four has reappeared, and the core songwriting duo lineup of guitarist Andy Gill and vocalist Jon King is intact. Curve’s Steve Monti pounded the skins, while Iggy Pop side man Phil