DVD Reviews – May 2008

DVD Reviews – May 2008

Congorama and others are reviewed. … read more

Gallery Stroll: Enjoying Art Around the City – May 2008

Gallery Stroll: Enjoying Art Around the City – May 2008

The official Gallery Stroll for greater Salt Lake takes place the third Friday of every month, however it’s very difficult to see all of the art in those few extended viewing hours. There’s no time to stop and ask for directions so here’s road map to maximize your viewing time.  … read more

A Testament to Metal

A Testament to Metal

When you think about it, all the thrash-metal bands that started their career in the 80s, especially from the Bay Area, either called it quits when the “grunge” 90s hit and left it at that, or they reunited when thrash metal became cool again. … read more

The Truth Behind the

The Truth Behind the

David Law is one of the most soft-spoken kids in the Salt Lake skateboard scene; seriously decoding the interview tape was quite a feat, but his skills are anything but. If you have seen the new skate video release that local Ogden and North Salt Lake kids put out titled “Touch It,” you know exactly what I’m talking about.  … read more

Product Reviews – May 2008

Product Reviews – May 2008

Shoes, decks and headphones get reviewed. … read more

West Valley Skate Park: You Can’t Fight City Hall

West Valley Skate Park: You Can’t Fight City Hall

The other day, while I was motivating my old, fat ass to get on the treadmill in my spare bedroom, I decided to watch a classic skate video from 1995. The video was called Donut Duty and there were several skits in the video involving these fake cops who go around the city, busting skaters doing their thing. One skit in particular stood out, though. It showed the cops giving the skaters a stern talking to about wasting taxpayer dollars and how they are destroying the city (particularly a wooden bench). … read more

Mike Brown’s Heroes

Mike Brown’s Heroes

So every time I put out a new Leviathan, which isn’t that often, I always seem to neglect my SLUG writing duties. Leviathan #9 drops this month and my lack of focus is no different. So I was thinking … The last Leviathan was mostly stuff that I wrote for SLUG that didn’t make it in. So this month I’m returning the favor to SLUG and its readers by giving you guys a story that will not make it in the next Leviathan. Instead it’s my SLUG article! It’s a true story about the time I met my favorite skater, Eric Koston. … read more

Inversion Trawler: From the Observation Files of Oomingmak and Boudica Juicyfruity – May 2008

Inversion Trawler: From the Observation Files of Oomingmak and Boudica...


Pedal Pusher Film Festival

Pedal Pusher Film Festival

The Second Annual Pedal Pusher Film Festival of Salt Lake City will be held on May 10 at The Depot at 7:30 p.m. to celebrate cycling and how it impacts our lives. The festival and fundraiser benefits the Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective (SLCBC) and is modeled closely after the internationally renowned Bicycle Film Festival (BFF), which will be providing the screening material. … read more

London After Midnight

London After Midnight

While the group has been somewhat of a revolving door for musicians, the mainstay has been Mr. Brennan, who was kind enough to grant SLUG an interview via e-mail in anticipation of their appearance here in Salt Lake … read more