Product Reviews – March 2012

Product Reviews – March 2012

This week, we review products from Burton,, RumbaTime, Slingshot Pop and TerraLUX. … read more

Beer Reviews – March 2012

Beer Reviews – March 2012

When the word “epic” comes to mind, I generally imagine shooting myself in the head. This is because some verbally oblivious dolt is referring to the color of her new nail polish, or some bro-dude is commenting on what the newest episode of whateverthefuck had to sell. With these painful reservations that I struggle with day to day, I am given reprise. Epic Brewing Co. is restoring my faith in this overly abused word. … read more

National Music Reviews – March 2012

National Music Reviews – March 2012

This month we have reviews of new and recent releases from A Place to Bury Strangers, Andre Williams, Anti-Flag, Cate le Bon, Classics of Love, Every Time I Die, Hunx, Lindstrom, Meshuggah, Nada Surf, Pontiak, Spielgusher and many, many more. … read more

Movie Reviews – March 2012

Movie Reviews – March 2012

This month we have reviews of Act of Valor, Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, Journey 2, Parade, and This Means War. … read more

Video Game Reviews – March 2012

Video Game Reviews – March 2012

This month we review Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Pushmo. … read more

Book Reviews – March 2012

Book Reviews – March 2012

Reviews of The Crooked God Machine, Dancing Barefoot: The Patti Smith Story, Encyclopedia Gothica, Iron Man: My Journey Through Heaven and Hell with Black Sabbath by Tony Iommi and Mormons Under the Microscope. … read more

Contributor Limelight: Shawn Mayer

Contributor Limelight: Shawn Mayer

One of our go-to action sports writers since 2007, Shawn Mayer has covered everything from surf movies and local snowboard manufacturers to skate legends like Tony Hawk and Stacy Peralta. … read more

Local Reviews: American Hitmen

Local Reviews: American Hitmen

Listening to American Hitmen is like jumping into a Hot Tub Time Machine. Instead of going all the way back to the ’80s, this time travel adventure sends you back to the early ’90s when rock bands still had all the flash and machismo of spandex-rocking ’80s metal bands, but were also starting to embrace a little bit of a dark, moody, creative side.  … read more

Local Reviews: Chainwhip

Local Reviews: Chainwhip

The Salt Lake punk scene’s own Critter fronts Chainwhip with his screechy vocal assault, accompanying a cacophonous mix of thrash and crusty hardcore. As with most demos from a local hardcore band, the lo-fi recording quality stands out at first, but only becomes more and more charming and appropriate as the release claws along.  … read more

Local Reviews: Daisy & The Moonshines

Local Reviews: Daisy & The Moonshines

This band has three things that make them dangerously worthwhile: class, soul and groove. It would be difficult to listen to their music and not feel engaged in some way or another—whether it be to the visceral, bluesy feel (such as in the song “50’s Kill Off!”) or the genuine lyrics that thread the album together.  … read more