Issues: Issue 195 - March 2005

Review: Estuary – To Exist And Endure
Estuary To Exist and Endure Ibex Moon Records Also from back east is Estuary, with To Exist and Endure. This band started out as Estuary of Calamity, and had a more melodic beginning, adding keyboards and black metal vocals, among other effects. Now, they’ve stripped down their sound, ditched the pretty keys and sissy black

Review: Drop the Fear – Self-Titled
Drop the Fear Self-Titled Drop the Fear The comparisons to the Cocteau Twins are going to be rampant even though they aren’t exactly accurate. Neither the guitars nor the vocals are anywhere as layered or complex, but still there is something there that does recall the cascades and swirling tide that defined 4AD in the

Review: Bloody Sign – Vana Vingala Loits
Bloody Sign Vana Vigala Loits Ibex Moon Records Like their fellow death-metal countrymen Mercyless and Phazm, Bloody Sign manage to combine the speed with guttural heaviness while keeping things interesting the whole way through the disc. You might say they come across as sounding like a slightly less sepulchral and less down-tuned version of Incantation.

Review: Augie March – Strange Bird
Augie March Strange Bird Spin Art When Elbow’s vocalist Guy Garvey sings the praises of Australia’s Augie March, you can’t help but feel like he’s being narcissistic. It isn’t that Strange Bird steals from Elbow as much as it implements the same mumbled vocals over a down-tempo atmosphere that dominates Elbow’s recordings. While many might

The Bellrays
Do Not Obey: The Bellrays Bust Boundaries with their One-of-a-Kind Rock n’ Soul When talked about in larger publications The BellRays usually get lumped in with the so-called “garage rock revival.” Not only have The BellRays been playing their patented brand of maximum rock n’ soul for much longer than that stupid tag has been

Localized: The Happies
THE HAPPIES Miles Biddulph: Guitar Ki: Guitar Elledge IV: Drums and Keys Linwood Biddulph: Keys and Drums Nate Biddulph: Bass To find The Happies, I went down a narrow and silent alleyway to a little house with few lights on inside. There, I found The Happies and we proceeded to have a muted conversation.

Localized: Nate Padley
Localized this month is lovely and has a clean complexion. Localized talks to you in a whisper before tucking you in with a glass of water. Nate Padley and The Happies will play on the second Friday of March at the Urban Lounge, a private club for members only. NATE PADLEY Nate Padley: Guitar and

Hunter S. Thompson
Tragic Happenings in This Foul Year of the Cock, 2005 Woody Creek, Colorado, 02/20/05: I turned on the news today and saw that Hunter S. Thompson had died, apparently from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. My first reaction was that it couldn’t be true. I thought it must be some kind of publicity stunt; why would

Grant Nelson
City Swingin’ with Grant Nelson Across the drink and through the countryside, British native Grant Nelson can not only claim his rightful place as a patriarch of the house community, but this award-winning international DJ/producer has flourished along with wife (Kate Ross) as co-owners of the10-year-old house music label, Swing City. In a SLUG

Edie Sedgwick
Pastiche Panoply: Jason Moyer of Edie Sedgwick Chats Celebrityism, Post-Modernism, Pop-Art “One day five years ago I was watching America’s Scariest Police Chases and it was hosted by this insane sheriff from somewhere with really white teeth, this tough dude. And I thought, ‘What if somebody wrote a novel from this dude’s perspective? What would