Issues: Issue 306 - June 2014
In Blurry Focus: Utah Brewers Guild
On one of the most beautiful days on record this year, I shunned the sunshine to settle into a seat deep down in the basement of the BeerHive Pub (128 S. Main). With a chilled glass of barleywine about halfway drained, I soon found myself sitting across from Phil Handke, the President of the Utah Brewers’ Guild. With a Master’s Degree in Communications, he certainly seemed like a business-minded professional—a pragmatist unafraid of raw, hard numbers, whose qualities may prove very useful as the Guild grows and develops a stronger lobbying voice for the brewing industry in our state. … read more
Review: Helheim Book One – The Witch War
When I heard this was a comic about witches, demons, vikings and the risen dead, my inner metalhead started headbanging windmill-style. … read more
Zine Reviews
Zine reviews for Burning Salts, Death Wound Zine and The Dithering Doodles. … read more
Why is The Bayou Firkin With My Beer?
The 20th Century, for the most part, wasn’t a very beer-friendly time in U.S. history. Prohibition, for example, all but destroyed centuries of beer-brewing knowledge in the United States. When we emerged from the beer dark ages, as a people, we were at the mercy of those beer companies that had managed to survive the 13 years in brewing exile. The beer wasn’t bad beer, but it was mass-produced with adjuncts (corn, rice, millet, etc.) and was limited to European-style lagers. Now, having the benefit of a decades-long craft beer boom, we enjoy damn near every style, type and method of the beer brewing process. … read more
Product Reviews
Product reviews for Downbeats, iDevices, Lifestraw, Merco Box and Wicked Audio. … read more
Movie Reviews
Movie reviews for The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Godzilla, Neighbors, The Other Woman and The Signal. … read more
Momentum Of Sound: An Interview with Michael Gira of Swans
I recently described the sound of a Swans record to a friend as being between that of a great mythological beast crashing toward the ocean while the sun explodes, and the feeling of absolute awe—articulated through volume. The experience of listening to their music is a potentially immersive one for the listener, where it is absolutely possible to become lost within an expanding perception of time and one’s surroundings. To Be Kind, Swans’ third album since regrouping in 2010, came out May 12. … read more
Television Reviews
Reviews for Atlantis: Season 1, Beetlejuice: Seasons Two and Three, Game of Thrones: Season 3 Blu-Ray, Vikings: The Real Warriors Miniseries and 20 Ft Below: The Darkness Descending. … read more