Gallery Stroll: Birds of a Feather

Gallery Stroll: Birds of a Feather

While pursuing their careers, Fran O’Neill and Matt Choberka have remained friends. Both participated in Pure Paint for Now People, a group show at Weber State University in Spring 2015. It was during this show that CUAC Executive Director Adam Bateman conceived a show that would team up the old friends. … read more

Contributor Limelight: Jessica Bundy

Contributor Limelight: Jessica Bundy
By ,

Bundy enjoys contributing to the local scene and SLUG’s range of photographic opportunities, particularly portraits of other community members and live shows. … read more

Movie Review: Carnage Park

Movie Review: Carnage Park

Carnage Park demonstrates writer/director Mickey Keating’s knack for imagining uniquely terrifying scenarios and then inflicting them upon his characters. … read more

Movie Review: Ghostbusters

Movie Review: Ghostbusters

Ghostbusters Director: Paul Feig Sony In Theaters: 07.15 It was disgusting to witness certain people’s reaction when Sony announced a Ghostbusters reboot with four women taking the leads. Why would anyone care? You’ve got director Paul Feig and a gathering of the funniest individuals working in Hollywood today. In this edition, which is a completely separate

Movie Review: Lights Out

Movie Review: Lights Out

Lights Out Director: David F. Sandberg Warner Bros. In Theaters: 07.22 Of all the genres in cinema, it seems that horror films have suffered the most in terms of execution as time progresses. The cheapness of the found-footage subcategory definitely delivered the heaviest blow, but there’s something about the PG-13 productions that instantly mark the project