Local Review: Dina & Christopher Alvarado – The Opal Mirror

Local Review: Dina & Christopher Alvarado – The Opal Mirror

Dina & Christopher Alvarado = Sleep Clinic + Architect Negative Crush
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Film Review: X-Men: Apocalypse

Film Review: X-Men: Apocalypse

After igniting the comic book movie genre in 2000 and delivering the most solid X-Men film to date in 2003, fans were excited to have director Bryan Singer return to the franchise two years ago for Days of Future Past. … read more

Review: Eli “Paperboy” Reed – My Way Home

Review: Eli “Paperboy” Reed – My Way Home

Eli “Paperboy Reed = J.C Brooks + Otis Redding + Wilson Picket

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Review: case/lang/veirs – Self-titled

Review: case/lang/veirs – Self-titled

case/lang/veirs = Parton/Ronstadt/Harris + Buckingham/Nicks/McVie
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