Issues: Issue 218 - February 2007
Rusty White RIP
I met Rusty in the art department at the University of Utah. He was an up-and-coming photographer, and I was taking classes as a photography major. Rusty was working with Blindside and would soon work for Elevation. … read more
I Like Turtles
I caught around 10 or so turtles and convinced my parents to let me take them home with us. I rode in the back of our big Mormon van with them, making sure that all the turtles got along and weren’t too bored on the drive home. … read more
Gallery Stroll: SLUG’s Birthday Party, As Sophisticated As We Can...
Ahh …18-years-old. I remember the days; trying to work as little as possible and party as hard as I could. The nights were filled with people and drinking games. My how times change! Now I sit back and discuss politics and current events with my friends while we drink and play games. I think you never grow out of some things. SLUG Magazine is one of those things. … read more
Dear Dickheads – February 2007
The dickheads inform a dickhead on dealing with asshole roommates. … read more
Bellyography: Amanda – February 2007
Living life in a big way seems to be Amanda’s life journey. Not content with just dancing, she is a stage manager, a volunteer organizer, a belly dance teacher and a costumer. … read more
Contributor Limelight: Ryan Ashly Workman
Ryan-Ashly Workman started freelancing at SLUG as a contributing writer in Feb. of ’89 and has kent us his helping hand ever since. … read more
Review: FlatOut 2
FlatOut 2 Bugbear/Vivendi Reviewed On:Xbox Street: 08.06 Last year Bugbear released FlatOut to some fairly dismal reviews. Not one to give up so easily, they climbed back up on the mighty horse of game development and released FlatOut 2 and this time around things are much improved. I started out with some derby racing, which
Review: Pocket Racers
Pocket Racers Konami Reviewed On:PSP Street: 11.06 One in a while I encounter a game that is so flawed (not only in execution but in story and game play) that there is almost a fascination in playing it just to bear witness to it’s mediocrity. Pocket Racers is about a bunch of hip youth whose
Review: Race Driver 2006
Race Driver 2006 Sumo Digital/Codemasters Reviewed On:PSP Street: 06.06 There are plenty of arcade style racers already here but Race Driver 2006 is one of the first attempts at a serious racing simulator on the PSP. As you might expect from a dated game (this is a port of TOCA Race Driver2), the graphics are