Multitudes: University of Utah’s Dance Graduate Students Perform

Multitudes: University of Utah’s Dance Graduate Students Perform

Bucking the pattern of previous years, this December is shaping up to be a busy month for dance here in Zion. This coming weekend (Dec. 5–7) the University of Utah’s graduate students in dance will mount Multitudes, celebrating the culmination of three years’ research in new choreography. … read more

Negative Approach @ Club Manhattan 11.21 with The Casualties, M.D.C. and Never Say Never

Negative Approach @ Club Manhattan 11.21 with The Casualties, M.D.C....

John Brannon’s lip is bleeding, Harold Richardson is wailing away that wiry solo on “Lead Song.” Some idiot is screaming out for a Suicidal Tendencies (what?) cover. These songs are quick, borderline psychotic snaps of furor. Perfectly crafted by some mystic core entity into some divinely inspired audiovisual ratio of power and speed. No frills, no whistles. The calcified gristle of rock n’ roll’s fattened carcass, the parts that stay behind when the glistening flesh has long rotted away.  … read more

Green Day’s American Idiot @ Kingsbury Hall 12.03

Green Day’s American Idiot @ Kingsbury Hall 12.03

Alright, I know what you’re thinking. Punk rock? On Broadway? Are you fuckin’ serious? Set aside your thoughts on whether or not Green Day is “punk.” Instead, let’s talk about the awesome spectacle that is American Idiot.  … read more

Movie Review: Dutch Influence

Movie Review: Dutch Influence

“The golden rule is: if you can perform in Holland, you can perform anywhere,” says internationally known Dutch House artist Sander Van Doorn of how Dutch culture has shaped one of the biggest industries in EDM.  … read more

Emilie Autumn @ The Complex 12.05

Emilie Autumn @ The Complex 12.05

 Emilie Autumn typically has no opening act or live band, therefore her show is mainly focused on an overarching storyline of her time being locked within the walls of an asylum. She utilizes heavy satire and Victorian flair while confronting the issues of sanity and sexism within the world today. She has built an entire world that encompasses a novel, several album releases, and a soon-to-be major theatrical production. If you are expecting to see a traditional concert, you will more than likely question what it is you are experiencing; this is much more of an interactive performance piece. … read more

Hellskate: A Roller Derby Horror Film

Hellskate: A Roller Derby Horror Film

Hellskate is Sahna Foley’s latest brainchild: a roller derby horror film. As SLUG’s derby correspondent, I don’t think you can imagine my excitement for this. I sat down to talk with Foley about Hellskate, what she hopes will come from the fundraiser, and her thoughts on derby and life in general. … read more

Pere Ubu House Concert 12.10

Pere Ubu House Concert 12.10

Have you ever dreamt that you were at a party in some unfamiliar house, and one of those cool, obscure bands that you admire was playing there? I found myself saying that to a friend one evening recently—one of the strangest, most singular evenings I’ve had in a long time with Pere Ubu!   … read more

Torah Bright: Taking the 2013/2014 Winter Season by the Jingle Balls

Torah Bright: Taking the 2013/2014 Winter Season by the Jingle...

She’s from Australia, she lives in Utah and she rips with the best of them. Torah Bright is one of the best chicks in the snowboarding game, and SLUG was lucky enough to steal some of her time to chat about all things snow.   … read more

Winter Battle of the Bands @ Velour Live Music Gallery 12.14

Winter Battle of the Bands @ Velour Live Music Gallery...

“It’s over,” I’m furiously scribbling down high marks on the scoring sheet provided by Velour, speaking to no one in particular. “It’s fucking over!” The sold out crowd has become unhinged, saying, “One More Song! One More Song!” The electricity is palpable. After the fourth band of five, Velour’s semi-annual competition is over. I just feel bad for whoever has to go after this … I’m getting ahead of myself. The Battle started at 8:15 p.m. … … read more

Season’s Beatings: Red Rockettes Season Ender 12.12

Season’s Beatings: Red Rockettes Season Ender 12.12

 With 15 minutes left, Black Frost was still in command of the scoreboard. Black Frost’s blockers did a fantastic job, containing Candy Pain jammer Duchess of Destruction, nearly knocking her into the crowd. Lucky Vixen, a Black Frost jammer, was able to score 10 points as her blockers were doing double duty, aiding her through the pack and restraining Duchess. This jam was very action filled, and it continued on as Duchess was hit out of play. She came back in, cutting the track, only to be knocked down again straight onto her ass. … read more