Video Game Reviews – April 2010

Video Game Reviews – April 2010

SLUG’s intrepid video game reviewers give you the drop on a trio of deuces: Bioshock 2, Mass Effect 2 and a special review of the Starcraft 2 beta. … read more

Book Reviews – April 2010

Book Reviews – April 2010

This month we review the Drug Dogs zine out of Provo, I Am Martin Eisenstadt by Martin Eisenstadt and One Million by Hendrik Hertzberg. … read more

Dear Dickheads – April 2010

Dear Dickheads – April 2010

SLUG defends conservative hairstyles and conservative points of view in this month’s installment of Dear Dickheads. … read more

Contributor Limelight: Team Ramrod

Contributor Limelight: Team Ramrod
By ,

Chris Proctor and Jeremy Riley (a.k.a. Team Ramrod) have been busting ass and slaughtering everything in their path with SLUG for nearly a year. … read more

Local Reviews: Ryan Schoeck

Local Reviews: Ryan Schoeck

Production on this album ends in a place where I wish more music would. Time went into making and producing this record, yes, but it hasn’t been polished to the point that it’s a work of aesthetics. … read more