Love Utah Give Utah: One Day, Hundreds of Non-Profits and A Couple Million Dollars

If you have ever worked for a nonprofit organization, you know what it is like to scrape by and fight for something that you believe in—something that may not benefit you, but will be a great service to others. We all use non-profits in one way or another, from music and the arts to social services. These organizations could not function without the support of the community. For the past two years, Love Utah Give Utah has provided an ingenious connection between programs that help us and the people who want to help them.
Since 2013, The Community Foundation of Utah and the Razoo Foundation have been in a partnership to help promote nonprofit organizations and schools by providing them a platform and incentives to raise as much money as they can in 24 hours. The resulting event, Love Utah Give Utah, has grown substantially in just two years, doubling the amount of money they’ve raised for nonprofits and seeing significant growth in the number of individual donors. Last year, they raised just over one million dollars. This year, they have set a goal of two million dollars in donations and 20,000 individual donors.
It works like this: Nonprofit organizations and schools can create an account with Love Utah Give Utah online. Those organizations then utilize whatever marketing and social media promotion they can to build up momentum and support before March 26. On the 26th, each organization has 24 hours to land as many donations as possible. Those schools and organizations are competing for top spots in four different fundraising categories, and when all is said and done, the top performers in each category get a monetary prize of $10,000. All organizations get to keep all of the money they raise during the campaign, but that $10K is icing on the cake for top performers, and in the nonprofit world, that is a significant amount of icing. Donations are tax deductable, and individuals can give as much as they want to as many organizations as they like (there is a $10 minimum donation).
Blair Hodson, Director of Initiatives for the Community Foundation of Utah, says that, “95 percent of adults don’t know what nonprofits actually do in the state of Utah,” which is why the Love Utah Give Utah campaign was started. “If you are going to the opera, the ballet, or are engaged in the fine arts in Utah, you are utilizing services provided by a non-profit organization. This is a good chance to say thank you for everything that they do.
If you have ever given during Love UT Give UT, you know that it is an exciting opportunity to watch a nonprofit you care about duke it out for the $10K prize. If you want more information or represent a non-profit that would like to participate, check out for rules and registration information. You can also find information on every school and organization looking for your support. Make sure to participate in this year’s Love Utah Give Utah, and keep the doors open on your favorite nonprofit organizations!