D&D Will Never Be LOTR, and That’s Okay

Being one of the better small panels I’ve sat in on, Tracy Hickman headed a discussion of the short fallings of Dungeon and Dragons (D&D) films and what obstacles present themselves in trying to create a D&D movie. The panel was aptly named “They Made Lord of The Rings, Why can’t They Make A Decent Dungeons and Dragons Movie?” and explored not only the movies that currently exist and why they failed, but also why a “decent” D&D film may never be successful. One conclusion the panel came to agree on is that the hugely problematic task of writing a movie stems from the variable of translating’s an immensely personal and intimate experience to appease a large audience. In light of the success of several fantasy shows on television, such as Game Of Thrones, the proposal of creating a D&D series was tossed around. Jason Faller agreed with such a sentiment and went on to say, “There is something very episodic about D&D, that we all imagine would go wonderfully in a TV show. Each new adventure, back to town… it seems like a TV story would do excellent, one that each episode really builds on. You would think that would be incredible. I can’t get out of believing that.” What separated this panel from others was the thought each author had dedicated to the topic of creating a D&D movie, not only in regards to cinematography, but special effects and storyline as well.