Brandon Routh: The Atom’s Reveal Is Coming

For my first one-on-one encounter with a “celebrity,” I couldn’t have been more excited for it to be with Brandon Routh (Superman Returns, Chuck). We spoke briefly about his upcoming project, 400 Days, which he described as a, “Sci-fi, space action thriller,” about four astronauts sent to test the effects of deep space on the individual’s mental states. After that, I asked him about the supposed “Superman’s Curse,” the superstition that any actor cast as Superman, would inevitably fall under a series of misfortunes. His comment, “Nothing’s happened, and I don’t really believe in it.” Next up, we talked about his role as Ray Palmer in the CW series The Arrow. He said, “Its been going really great. I love playing Ray Palmer, and we’ll get to see the suit before the end of the season, definitely. I get to do an episode of The Flash and I’m really excited about that.” With The Atom getting ready to suit up in what Routh earlier described as a red and blue mechanized suit, as well as the release of 400 Days later this year, Brandon Routh is giving us plenty to look forward to in 2015.