It’s a fact of life that most people will prejudge any given beer that’s placed in front of them, either by the label or the name of the company that makes it. Some beer will receive praise as easily as another receives condemnation. As a beer judge and writer, I’m often presented with the opportunity to critique what’s in the glass vs. where its container came from. It removes prejudice and reminds the tongue and brain that they’re on the same team when it comes to beer. This month, we have three beers that are neither small-batch beers nor locally made. They’re mass-produced, flavorful and very different.
Third Shift Amber Lager
Brewery/Brand: Coors
ABV: 4.0%
Serving Style: On Tap/12 oz. Bottle
Description: The label may say that it’s made by a “Band of Brewers,” but this lager is all Coors. It’s a brilliantly clear amber color that screams, “Drink me!” The sniffer finds a crisp, clean touch of earthy hops with semi-sweet, biscuit-like maltiness. At first sip, caramel malt and strong biscuit notes hit up front. The end has a good dose of earthy and grassy hops. There’s a slight hint of sulfur in the finish.
Overview: Coors did a nice job at creating a “craft-ish” amber lager. It benefits from colder temperatures, to maintain the crisp hoppiness and to keep the malt sweetness in check.
Redd’s Apple Ale
Brewery/Brand: Miller
ABV: 4.0%
Serving Style: 12 oz. Bottle
Description: Redd’s is a cider that’s not technically a cider. This is all beer, disguised as a hard cider, hence the term “apple ale.” This one pours a clear golden color with no-zero-nada head, just like a cider. The nose is an odd mix of apples and … apples. The taste is just like a sweet apple cider made from red delicious apples. The end has some slight beer-esque qualities of hops and tannins.
Overview: This is a nice interpretation of a cider that brings in some “beery” qualities to the equation. If you’re looking for a cider that has a little less kick and that’ll treat your noggin right, this may be a good alternative for you.
Blue Moon Agave Blonde Ale
Brewery/Brand: Coors
ABV: 4.0%
Serving Style: On Tap/12 oz. Bottle
Description: This, the latest in the Blue Moon series of beers, pours a clear amber/orange color with a thick, fizzy cream head. The aroma reminds me of sugary cereal, something along the lines of Frosted Flakes (They’re grrrreat!). The taste starts with a tart wheat base that transitions to the sugary sweetness of the agave. Fortunately, the flavors aren’t cloying or syrupy. The beer itself is quite drinkable, with a refreshing, smooth, floral finish. I actually enjoyed the flavors quite a bit.
Overview: This beer is a Belgian blonde ale at its base. The addition of agave sugars provides added sweetness with no stereotypical tequila notes that some macro brews try to emulate because of the agave.