Some Shit that Happened on a Skateboard List Update


All your latest skateboarding gossip … 1. June 11 at Binary skate park is where the SLUG Summer of Death contest series will kick off; be there or be gay.
2. Speaking of Binary Cy, Bickmore hates it when you call him Cynary.
3. Rumor has it that Lizard King just might be a wet boy.
4. Rumor also has it that Milo Josh bet $100 that Dave Van could not beat Kordel Black in the salty game of skate (which will have already happened by the time you read this). Although betting might be against Josh’s religion, it is a wise bet indeed.
5. Will Holland and Ashton ever hit puberty? Someone let me know.
6. June 21 is International Go Skateboarding day. Try to use this almost official holiday to talk your way out of your next skateboarding ticket.
7. Park City is making their park bigger. Hopefully this will attract more MILFs.