Skate Photo Feature: Kaleb Hadlock
I don’t know the whole story about how this snowboard park rail ended up at the Rail Gardens. I don’t know the story of how the Rail Gardens even came to be, for that matter. Somebody in the Parks and Rec. Department somehow convinced everyone that the stairs with the perfect handrails intermittently dispersed throughout the park were for people walking their dogs? Jeremy Jones and JP Walker slipped somebody a wad of bills and some blueprints a couple Decade(s) ago? Seems feasible. Whatever the story, Kaleb Hadlock took full advantage of this cold November morning before the snow hit the valley, and the snowboarders descended on these rails. FYI, pulling away from a board slide on a rail off the side of the sidewalk is pretty hard to do. Kaleb took some pretty hard slams at the bottom before rolling away from this one.