Feature Story: Catch 22

Feature Story: Catch 22

Over the last couple of years, many of you have rented rehearsal space in the building located at 375 West and 400 South in Salt Lake and are wondering why the city chose to close it down. … read more

Politics: Do Your Part

Politics: Do Your Part

As the population of our country moves into a more liberal position, it appears that our conservative, self-serving government moves to a farther right position. … read more

Musician Tips: Equalization

Musician Tips: Equalization

Equalizers have changed dramatically since that time in the 50s, as there are several varying types of EQs, all with specific uses and functions. … read more

Interview: Sanctuary

Interview: Sanctuary

The following is taken from an interview with Warrel Dane, singer from Sanctuary. We were lucky enough to catch Warrel before The Speedway show and spent about  30 minutes talking with him. … read more

Jojo’s Corner

Jojo’s Corner

Jojo’s Corner presents who the best guitarist is and we believe it’s Dix Denny and Mike Martt from Thelonious Monster … read more

This Month’s Feature Attraction: American Music Club

This Month’s Feature Attraction: American Music Club

Mark Eitzel, lead singer and principal songwriter, says the music is “Hippie-folk-art-shit your parents would listen to.” … read more