Books and Literature: February 1992

Books and Literature: February 1992
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The ideals of poststructural feminism and the lived illusion of life comes to head in Hewligan’s Haircut and Angry women … read more

Concert Reviews: January 1993

Concert Reviews: January 1993
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Salt Flat CD Release Party: I think the evening was successful, I hope the CD does as well as the show does. … read more

The Art of Body Piercing

The Art of Body Piercing

The first time I ever saw a person with a pierced nose I was repulsed, yet strangely fascinated. I wondered why anyone would want to do that. … read more

Notes From The Industrial Underground: January 1992

Notes From The Industrial Underground: January 1992

If you missed Foetus, Inc. last month then to hell with you! … read more

Book Reviews: January 1992

Book Reviews: January 1992
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Probably the most well-known and provocative of the ReSearch works is Modern Primitives. … read more

Hemp and the Marijuana Conspiracy

Hemp and the Marijuana Conspiracy

Marijuana was outlawed in 1937 due to racism, greed, deception and lies. … read more

Featured Band November 1991: Reality

Featured Band November 1991: Reality

Fast, hard edge, and aggressive, with brutally honest lyrics, some have even called Reality “heavy metal.” … read more

Comics: November 1991

Comics: November 1991

Preposterous it may sound, but those looking for something substantial from DC Comics should give Shade a chance. … read more

Politically Speaking: October 1991

Politically Speaking: October 1991

As Jello Biafra has said, “Don’t hate the media, become the media!” … read more

Comics: October 1991

Comics: October 1991

The charm of this series is entertaining, the entire premise of date gods existing in the modern world serves to exhibit just how jaded society has become. … read more