Review: Escape to Canada
Escape to Canada Albert Nerenberg The Disinformation Company Ltd. Street: 05.22 I don’t think I have ever cringed so often during a documentary in my entire life. No, not because there was shocking material presented in a thought-provoking way, but instead because of the absolutely absurd ties between marijuana and gay marriage, hilariously terrible and
Localized: Loiter Cognition
Loiter Cognition have a very aggressive and violent sound but, upon meeting the members of the band for this interview their sound doesn’t fit the soft-spoken, relaxed personalities of each member. … read more
Localized: The Mugshots
This month’s Localized will feature The Reaper, The Mugshots and opening act Lavish on Friday, Jan. 12 at the Urban Lounge. It’s a show that shouldn’t be missed. The Mugshots “Tell them we like long walks and puppies,” the members of The Mugshots told me. Alright, but after listening to the Mugshots’ new album, On
Review: Nina Blag
Nina Blag Dahlia Scapegoat Publishing Street: 08.01.06 Blag Dahlia is one of those notorious figures in punk rock that many people idolize for the same reasons that others abhor him. As the front man of The Dwarves, Blag has made a career out of shocking audiences for more than twenty years. With his second novel,
Review: Alfred Steiglitz, Dorthea Lange, Julie Margaret Cameron, Andre Kertesz
Alfred Steiglitz, Dorthea Lange, Julie Margaret Cameron, Andre Kertesz Phaidon Press Street: 09.01 For all of you hipsters who have decided that the camera you wear as an accessory actually can be a wonderful tool to create some amazing artwork, well, that’s step one. Step two, learn how to actually operate it and then develop