SLUG Mag’s Virtualized: An Online Concert Featuring Utah Bands aims to highlight local music by featuring three musicians on the SLUG Magazine YouTube Channel for a virtual performance during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Virtualized: Thunderfist
Despite 2020 putting physical concerts on hold, Thunderfist are looking to the future and hoping to share more memories with fans virtually. … read more

Virtualized: Fat Candice
The process of coming up with new material is different for everyone, but Rob Alvord of Fat Candice says it’s important to stay humble. … read more

Virtualized: Marny Proudfit
Marny Proudfit and her team poured so much into the record that she felt it needed much more time to give it the release that it deserved. … read more

Virtualized: Josaleigh Pollett
Josaleigh Pollett and her team have managed to achieve an indie-rock-folk fusion sound that’s smashing and layered with intensity. … read more