Review: Workhouse – The End Of The Pier

Review: Workhouse – The End Of The Pier

WORKHOUSE THE END OF THE PIER Devil in the Woods Workhouse creates an instrumental world of organic soundscapes with more variety and style than you’d find in a dozen releases from a less skilled band. There are bits and pieces that run the gambit of shoegazer influences including nods to My Bloody Valentine, Ride and

Review: Clinic – Winchester Cathedral

Review: Clinic – Winchester Cathedral

CLINIC WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL Domino The men dressed in scrubs return with more evidence of exactly why they are one of the cast of Radiohead’s favorite bands (sometimes it is hard to tell who exactly is influencing who) and how it’s just about time everyone else took notice. In many ways, Clinic are the older, more

Review: M83 – Dead Cities, Read Seas & Lost Ghosts

Review: M83 – Dead Cities, Read Seas & Lost Ghosts

M83 DEAD CITIES, READ SEAS & LOST GHOSTS Mute There will be those who would crown this French duo as the anointed kings of highbrow hipness and perhaps, for once, the masses might not be far wrong. M83’s sound is caught directly between Sigur Ros’ stark and soaring beauty and Air’s synthesized warmth. The result

Irrebuttable: The Royal Smashings of Austin’s Invincible Czars

Irrebuttable: The Royal Smashings of Austin’s Invincible Czars

On August 4, 2004, I snagged the boon of some face and jaw time with Austin’s Invincible Czars after they had transformed Burt’s Tiki Lounge into Burt’s Klezmorim Circus Den. It was not the standard interview where you get shoved into a corner with the tambourine player they’re about to kick out of the band

Localized: Less People More Robots

Localized: Less People More Robots

Localized is a monthly music fest spotlighting local bands. This month, SLUG brings you Theta Naught and Less People More Robots. Localized is the second Friday of every month at the Urban Lounge, a private club for members only. Come and see the SLUG staff do what they do best; get sloshed. LESS PEOPLE MORE

Localized: Theta Naught

Localized: Theta Naught

Localized is a monthly music fest spotlighting local bands. This month, SLUG brings you Theta Naught and Less People More Robots. Localized is the second Friday of every month at the Urban Lounge, a private club for members only. Come and see the SLUG staff do what they do best; get sloshed. THETA NAUGHT Ryan

Maddox Editorial – September 2004

Maddox Editorial – September 2004

It Rocks, But Is It Pirate-Worthy? Maddox Editorial have been trying to answer one question about pirates for years now: what is it about pirates that make them so awesome? This debate came to rest with newly discovered evidence of pirates having giant, life-threatening penises with which they regularly bludgeoned women, children and weaker men. However,

An Interview with Le Force

An Interview with Le Force

If there is one local group that would have been pirates in their past lives, Le Force fits the mold, from drummer Jud Powell’s chest tattoo of world maps to guitarist Erik Olsen’s scruffy beard to guitarist Chris Evans nursing a hangover. Their music can inspire pillaging, plundering and most of all, drinking. [Le Force

Indie Label Spotlight: Carcrash Records

Indie Label Spotlight: Carcrash Records

Some things just grab your attention, like driving past a car crash. Sweden’s Carcrash Records produces the kind of arresting music that you can’t fail to prick up your ears to, with some of the most captivating bands that have taken the aftermath of punk-influenced music to a whole nuther level, like International Noise Conspiracy

Local Review: Two and a Half White Guys – Self-Titled

Local Review: Two and a Half White Guys – Self-Titled

Two and a Half White Guys Self-titled Gringos Productions Two and a Half White Guys = The Good, The Bad and The Ugly soundtrack + Aquabats + Bob Marley   Jazz-inflected ska calypso reggae jam bands aren’t really my thing, but Two and a Half White Guys are good at what they do, and they