Review: Jon Cutler Feat. Pete Simpson – Runnin’

Review: Jon Cutler Feat. Pete Simpson – Runnin’

JON CUTLER FEAT. PETE SIMPSON “RUNNIN’” MN2S Records Cut from the stone of New York’s concrete jungle, this gem of a track, in its soulful and deep glitter, is more than a promise. Produced by Jon Cutler and featuring the smooth vocals of Pete Simpson, this lover of groove includes keyboards from Mike Patto (Reel

Review: Bobby & Steve Feat. Bryan Chamber/Barbara Tucker – Deeper In Love

Review: Bobby & Steve Feat. Bryan Chamber/Barbara Tucker – Deeper...

BOBBY & STEVE FEAT. BRYAN CHAMBER/BARBARA TUCKER “DEEPER IN LOVE” Zoo Groove Stereo   Featuring the outstanding vocals of diva Barbara Tucker (who has worked with DJs like Vega, Morillo and Tenaglia), one of the industry’s most celebrated singers and Bryan Chambers (heard with Pet Shop Boys, Lionel Richie, and Cleptomaniacs), who has a numerous

Review: Lost Sounds – Self-Titled

Review: Lost Sounds – Self-Titled

LOST SOUNDS LOST SOUNDS In the Red Records This album is exactly what electroclash should be defined as: edgy and recklessly punky with a dash of synthpop dropped in for good measure. Lost Sounds sounds like the new Le Tigre release after you’ve pulled out the slick production and replaced it with gargling guitars, smashing

Review: Silver Sunshine – Self-Titled

Review: Silver Sunshine – Self-Titled

SILVER SUNSHINE SILVER SUNSHINE Empyrean Records Silver Sunshine are a delightful little group of San Diego musicians that are clearly in love with psychedelic pop. They’re quite talented, have some good hooks here and there and capture the sound that the Stone Roses used on their Second Coming release, but in this case, you can’t

Review: Motel Creeps – Pleasantries In The Parlor EP

Review: Motel Creeps – Pleasantries In The Parlor EP

MOTEL CREEPS PLEASANTRIES IN THE PARLOR EP “Moon Boots” sways in as a Bunnymen jam with a slightly more animated Interpol flavor. I’m not blown away, but I’m pleased with the combination of warm guitars and distant vocals. The remaining tracks, “City Girl,” “Gun for Hire,” and “Ocean Storm” are solid but not nearly

Review: Depeche Mode – Remixes 81-04

Review: Depeche Mode – Remixes 81-04

Depeche Mode Remixes 81-04 Reprise There are a thousand official and unofficial Depeche Mode remixes floating around in the stratosphere and to try and make a single disc compilation of highlights is a rather daunting task. I know because I’ve made a few of my own over the years. This official compilation of highlights isn’t

Review: Bella Morte – Songs For The Dead

Review: Bella Morte – Songs For The Dead

BELLA MORTE SONGS FOR THE DEAD Metropolis I’ve never bought into the idea that Bella Morte were a traditional goth band; they always seemed a bit more based in punk rock and Songs for the Dead emphasizes that by turning down the keyboards and upping the guitars for a sound that is more representative of

Review: The Occasion – Self-Titled

Review: The Occasion – Self-Titled

THE OCCASION THE OCCASION Say Hey Records From the haunting opening of “The Midwife,” you know you’re being kidnapped and there isn’t anything you can do about it. Hailing from New York and having opened for band as diverse as Interpol, The Unicorns and Franz Ferdinand, The Occasion sound nothing like their surroundings. Where there

Review: Character – We Also Create False Promises

Review: Character – We Also Create False Promises

CHARACTER WE ALSO CREATE FALSE PROMISES Fictitious Records If you were to take a bowl of jazz and pour it over a slice of analog keyboards, add some guitars, perhaps a Ride album rewritten by Tortoise and shake it up like a snow globe, you might come up with Character. Unlike many instrumental bands, Character

Review: The Violettes – Self-Titled

Review: The Violettes – Self-Titled

THE VIOLETTES THE VIOLETTES From the opening rolling cascades of sound of “Blue Hearted Fool,” it is quite clear that The Violettes are a shoegaze delight with fantastic production that allows for the chaos of sound to swell without giving the songs a cheap wash of undefined sound. That is, until the groove kicks