2000 Miles for  a Little Girl Talk

2000 Miles for a Little Girl Talk

Over the summer my brother Ian Wade, his friend Sam Knopp and I all loaded in to my car for a little Girl Talk. … read more

Bring The Noise: John Weise in SLC

Bring The Noise: John Weise in SLC

If you don’t know who John Wiese is, let me catch you up to speed. He’s a badass artist and musician from LA. His ongoing projects include LHD and Sissy Spacek, but he is also known for his collaborations with many artists, including Wolf Eyes, Merzbow, Smegma, Kevin Drumm, Cattle Decapitation and C. Spencer Yeh.  … read more

Skinning The Lambs

Skinning The Lambs

Since the early 1980s, black metal has held its middle finger pointed toward the sky. … read more

Localized: Knoitalls, The Bad Apples and Kinnetik – October 2008

Localized: Knoitalls, The Bad Apples and Kinnetik – October 2008

In a small space (close to 9th and 9th) in Salt Lake City sits Bad Apples headquarters and home of Penalty Box Records. … read more

Nine Inch Nails review

Nine Inch Nails review

Many years ago, fans went to a Nine Inch Nails show for two reasons: to hear how the band could turn Trent Reznor’s headphone music into the Tenth Level of Hell and to watch this group smash enough instruments to fill a Guitar Center.  … read more