

SLUG has a lineup of gypsy swingers Hot Club of Zion, the hard bopping Ambassadors and the avant-jazz of openers Exponential Rabbit, who will make their music live and breathe right in front of you at the Urban Lounge, Saturday, May 11, for $5, 21+. Those of you who are underage, banished to the outskirts of the city or stuck at home can catch the music streaming live starting at 9:45 p.m. on GigViz.com! … read more

Bennewitz Quartet @ Libby Gardner Concert Hall 04.17

Bennewitz Quartet @ Libby Gardner Concert Hall 04.17

The Bennewitz Quartet have been together since 1998 when they met at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, and are named after the Czech violinist Antonin Bennewitz. The concert started with Ravel’s “Quartet in F Major,” which felt consistently boyish throughout.  … read more

Local Reviews: Invaders

Local Reviews: Invaders

It’s not very often I’ll get a tasty treat of chunky doom from our local bands, but holy shit, Invaders has nailed it. This humble little EP pounds three songs of heaviness into your pink, supple little ear drums without regard for whether or not you like them. As DIY as the release appears, the production is extremely high quality without much feeling of intrusive digital polish, which can often sacrifice that sweet atmospheric buzz you feel in the back of your throat.  … read more

Local Reviews: Dirty Uncle Davey

Local Reviews: Dirty Uncle Davey

Dirty Uncle Davey is all you could expect from a synth-based noise band, long droney tracks of feedback and mysterious sounding tones meandering through dimensionless matter. What is great about this release and most really good noise music is that it steps into your subconscious and plays a few tricks on you, the biggest being that of time confusion.  … read more

Local Reviews: Die Monster Die

Local Reviews: Die Monster Die

Die Monster Die has truly become a staple of Salt Lake’s underground scene. They play on a fairly regular basis and release a record every now and then. Their metal-laden horror punk is fun and creepy, but they’ve never really stepped above the regular horror punk sludge that inhabits the music collection of anyone who wishes there were more Misfits’ records.   … read more

Local Reviews: Ben Johnson

Local Reviews: Ben Johnson

Oh my! I don’t know what I was expecting with this CD … actually, I thought it was going to be second-rate, diluted folk music; something about the calligraphy font on the front cover. But the album opens up with a big, classy, big band-era sounding rock extravaganza and goes on from there to 40s and 50s crooner hits with “fun” pschedelia thrown in (think Flaming Lips, not Jefferson Airplane). … read more

Local Reviews: Auto-Pirates

Local Reviews: Auto-Pirates

A local band making the decision to utilize what sounds like Russian lyrics on an opening track= balls. Some members of the Utah community would be miffed if an intro track didn’t have some entirely English reference to how much they love God and/or how much they love their country.  … read more

Local Reviews: Team Mom

Local Reviews: Team Mom

I was not prepared to be so pleasantly surprised. This album is darn good. With a surge in the indie-pop scene as of late, Team Mom is a welcome addition, bringing new-age alternative with a twist of ’60s folky electric guitar and swing-jazz drums. … read more

Local Reviews: Salt Town Greasers

Local Reviews: Salt Town Greasers

I can’t tell if these folks are trying to create an eclectic sound or if they just can’t make up their minds up on what to play. Country, punk, psycho and rockabilly all find their way into the mix, but with little thought as to how to play these genres well.  … read more

Local Reviews: Purr Bats

Local Reviews: Purr Bats

Anyone who’s ever picked up an album by Purr Bats knows the sort of insanity they’re getting into, but for those unfamiliar, let me try to explain: imagine a much more twisted version of Devo, blending a folk-western style into a techno-rock hybrid. … read more