Local Reviews: The Black Hens

Local Reviews: The Black Hens

The Black Hens started as a fluke; a thrown together project birthed from a one-off jam session with SLC folk powerhouses: Glade, David Williams, Band of Annuals members jeremi Hanson and Brent Dreiling while in … you guessed it, Albuquerque. … read more

Local Reviews: Aye Aye

Local Reviews: Aye Aye

Salt Lake has been overrun lately by blues-influenced, mostly acoustic musicians�a visit to any coffee shop on gallery stroll will confirm this. It makes it that much more refreshing to find someone who experiments with the genre and successfully turns it on its ear. Aye Aye does just exactly this. … read more

Local Reviews: Accidente

Local Reviews: Accidente

Exotic Payday sounds like a moon-shined Paul Bunyan careening around the lumberyard with a hatchet recently sharpened on the ol’ whetstone�in other words, heavy, ungainly and dangerous. Is it wrong for me to think Mr. Peter Makowski is just cuter than ever as he gargles, spits, retches, spews rabies-laden saliva and shreds his throat into Austin pork barbecue to get across his tongue-in-cheek, sarcastic, red-hot-burning angst? … read more

Local Reviews: Top Dead Celebrity

Local Reviews: Top Dead Celebrity

The opening track “Illuminati” on Top Dead Celebrity’s self-titled album made me hope this would be a dynamic instrumental band, and then right towards the end of the well-laced opening track they speed it up, give it the Kyuss kick and the hammer drops. … read more

Local Reviews: The Tenants of Balthazar’s Castle/Stag Hare

Local Reviews: The Tenants of Balthazar’s Castle/Stag Hare

I once watched a performer maintain a tricky, tempo-swaying drum roll using a stick in one hand and a rubber ball in the other. I was completely mesmerized by the performance, but letdown by the recording and unable to convince any who heard it how magnificent it had been. This is my beef with 90 percent of so-called noise music: you have to see it to appreciate it, otherwise, if you expect anyone to listen, you damned well better make the aural side really interesting.  … read more

Local Reviews: Stag Hare

Local Reviews: Stag Hare

This album is nearly 42 minutes long � but feels like 10. Starting off slowly with an almost-tribal melody, Ahspen easily could have been the soundtrack to The Martian Chronicles, because all 42 minutes in this piece are an instrumentation of beautiful bliss that seem to follow an internal storyline. … read more

Local Reviews: Lewis

Local Reviews: Lewis

There’s nothing worse than having to give a local band � which represents you and your local musical community � a bad write-up. Nevertheless, nobody wins when a band continues on, ignorant of their lack of talent. Lewis is the epitome of the-pop punk sound a la Blink 182. Maybe they thought they’d fill the void for all the Blink fans who can’t get over Blink being gone.  … read more

Local Reviews: Hew Mun

Local Reviews: Hew Mun

I’ve heard music like this described before as sculpture, and that really seems to fit this release. Though I do not mean a solid, statuesque figure�this is something far more abstract, almost void of shape, yet still symmetrical and meticulously crafted from every imaginable source of raw material.  … read more

Local Reviews: Ghastly Hatchling

Local Reviews: Ghastly Hatchling

It seems that everyone and his leather-clad dog in Salt Lake is a “noise band” these days. As you may have experienced, half of these follow the “turn on machines, wave hands around, tweak knobs in an angry fashion, call it a piece of music” aesthetic. … read more

Local Reviews: Dreadnought

Local Reviews: Dreadnought

Dreadnought is back again to rock your face off. I had the distinct privilege of reviewing their first album and I wanted to see how the band had progressed in their heavy alternative sound.  … read more