Review: Eddie Spaghetti – The Value of Nothing

Review: Eddie Spaghetti – The Value of Nothing

Eddie Spaghetti evidently has just too much rock n’ roll in his soul. … read more

Crucialfest Day Two @ Killby Court 06.27

Crucialfest Day Two @ Killby Court 06.27

On the second day of Crucialfest 3, the music gods looked upon Kilby Court and decided, “This is where the rock shall be.” A little slice of all-ages paradise, Kilby Court is a great venue tucked away in the back of an alley. The only downside is a serious lack of air conditioning, but fantastic lighting and sound makes up for it. Besides, it’s the summer—if you’re not sweating, then you’re not trying hard enough. One of the most fun things about Kilby Court that doesn’t really translate to a lot of venues is also the easygoing, casual vibe. “Casual” is the best way to describe Kilby all the way around, with the open garage door in back and courtyard full of stickers with a firepit flanked by park benches. Not a half bad way to catch some tunes and make some new friends. … read more

Review: Daft Punk – Random Access Memories

Review: Daft Punk – Random Access Memories

Right from the beginning of Random Access Memories, the tone is set through the first track, “Give Life Back to Music.” … read more

Review: Big Deal – June Gloom

Review: Big Deal – June Gloom

Though it opens on a gloomy note (which had me worried I was reviewing another downtrodden shoegaze album) with “Golden Light,” the album quickly morphs into cutesy upbeat dream pop that borders on twee. … read more

Review: Bass Drum Of Death – Self Titled

Review: Bass Drum Of Death – Self Titled

When a single overridden guitar chord introduces the 10-second snare-drum-roll opening “I Wanna Be Forgotten” (the first track), the endless 15-second snare-intro of Cheap Time’s “Living In The Past” comes to mind. … read more

Crucialfest Day One @ The Woodshed 06.26

Crucialfest Day One @ The Woodshed 06.26

On a warm and muggy Wednesday night, I had the opportunity to cover the first night of Crucialfest 3 at the Wood Shed. While technically starting at Kilby Court earlier that day, I was stoked to get in and get some of that sweet Crucialfest vibe. If you’ve never heard of Crucialfest, now is a good time to catch up before next year. A huge, local festival, getting bigger and bigger every year, Crucialfest is literally a crucial part of the Utah music scene in a big way. Taking place over several days and several different venues, with mostly local acts peppered with a few touring bands, it’s a great way to dive in and get a grab bag of new tunes.

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Review: Autopsy – The Headless Ritual

Review: Autopsy – The Headless Ritual

Did you think San Francisco death metal crew Autopsy’s comeback album, Macabre Eternal, was hot tits? Well, this new festering, putrid bag of pus-ridden tunes makes Macabre Eternal seem lackluster … read more

SLUG Journalist Needs Water Badly: A Warped Tour Story

SLUG Journalist Needs Water Badly: A Warped Tour Story

On Saturday, June 29 of the year 2013, I set out into the arid wasteland of Warped Tour with little more than a camera, a bottle of water, and the cheapest bottle of suncreen that I could find. … read more

Review: Yard of Blondes – Murderology

Review: Yard of Blondes – Murderology

“This is a love song from my heart to the grave,” is a quote from “Murderology” (the first track) that estimates the theme of this album in one assertion—Yard of Blondes are infatuated with death.  … read more

Review: Woodrowgerber – In The Beginning

Review: Woodrowgerber – In The Beginning

Woodrowgerber (aka Chad Gerber) is an acquaintance you want to like—he’s sometimes charming, and occasionally has interesting things to say, but for whatever reason, you hate him. … read more