Local Review: Light/Black – Self-Titled

Local Review: Light/Black – Self-Titled

This self-released and self-titled album is absolutely mesmerizing, and from the second the first track begins, it’s nearly impossible to turn the album off. … read more

Local Review: Lake Island – Outermost

Local Review: Lake Island – Outermost

If I can say one thing about Lake Island, it’s that they have great potential. … read more

Local Review: L’Anarchiste – The Traveler

Local Review: L’Anarchiste – The Traveler

This fascinating EP was made with a purpose, and L’Anarchiste should feel good about their direction. Its purpose is to connect their first album with their forthcoming LP, Giant, by introducing fans to a newer sound. … read more

Local Review: Drew Danburry – Becoming Bastian Salazar

Local Review: Drew Danburry – Becoming Bastian Salazar

Becoming Bastian Salazar is Danburry’s tale of his transition between two personas, where one is sweet and the other a little more sour. While Danburry sticks with the basic elements of a folk style that emphasizes a guy with his guitar, he has crafted an album extravagant in its production yet homely in its lyrical themes and simple melodies. … read more

Local Review: Coral Bones – Youthemism

Local Review: Coral Bones – Youthemism

Coral Bones’ sound is best described as “assorted.” The project’s Facebook page lists the genre as “whatever you want,” which really sums it all up.  … read more

Local Review: Beachmen – Self-Titled

Local Review: Beachmen – Self-Titled

Beyond the name, every aspect of Beachmen seeps through my eardrums with the pleasant sweetness of summer. … read more

Review: Willis Earl Beal – Nobody Knows

Review: Willis Earl Beal – Nobody Knows

With his sophomore album, Willis Earl Beal has shown that he can deliver powerful hits without sacrificing the raw honesty that was delivered through CD-Rs scattered throughout Albuquerque before he got a record deal. … read more

Review: VIZA – Made in Chernobyl

Review: VIZA – Made in Chernobyl

I bought the album Made in Chernobyl from VIZA when they were opening up for Gogol Bordello last August, and I fell absolutely in love with it.  … read more

Review: Trash Monsters – There’s a Rat in the Tunnel of Love

Review: Trash Monsters – There’s a Rat in the Tunnel...

Punk rock is best served when it’s not trying to be punk, but when its simply trying to be load, fast, obnoxious rock n’ roll. That’s what Trash Monsters do so well.  … read more