Under the Rose: Thinking About Death with SubRosa

Under the Rose: Thinking About Death with SubRosa

Over the last five years, SubRosa has grown into one of Salt Lake City’s better-known metal bands, and with the release of More Constant Than The Gods on Profound Lore Sept. 17, the band has shown that their high profile is well-earned. This third full-length release shows a startling amount of growth in lyrical and musical quality from No Help For The Mighty Ones. Guitarist Rebecca Vernon calls it, “By far, the most grueling album I’ve ever put together.”  … read more

Tycho: Visual Articulation of Musical Ideas

Tycho: Visual Articulation of Musical Ideas

The ability to create something—a painting, a song, a piece of clothing, jewelry, whatever it might be—to communicate an idea because it’s the only way that you know how to get it out of your head and into the world, is powerful. The way Tycho expresses his ideas and feelings resonates deeply with a wide audience, which is telling of his intuitive talent as a musician.  … read more

Smang Lake City Vol. 2: Turquoise Jeep is Riding through

Smang Lake City Vol. 2: Turquoise Jeep is Riding through

“Lemme smang it, girl, smash it and bang”: If you don’t automatically know where these lyrics come from, you were either born into an anti-technology polygamist family or have parents that solely bought their kids educational toys for Christmas. Turquoise Jeep rolled through to SLC at Kilby last May, and they’re coming back Nov. 17 to Kilby AND Urban. … read more

Dark Passengers: Riding the Void with Holy Grail

Dark Passengers: Riding the Void with Holy Grail

Touring almost nonstop since the release of Ride the Void in January, Holy Grail are working hard to keep their name on the minds of metalheads nationwide. Even though the band is comparatively new to the national stage, they’re determined to keep people excited and to build on their success. “It’s great to see that hard work actually pays off,” says guitarist Eli Santana. … read more

Dig This: The Pyrate Punx

Dig This: The Pyrate Punx

Keeping the spirit of punk alive and well, the Pyrate Punx are a force to be reckoned with. Fed up with a lack of decent, underground gigs coming through Utah, local punk rockers saw the potential to start the Salt Lake Pyrate Punx chapter. The SLC chapter formed, drawing from a wealth of experience and influences from other Pyrate Punx chapters around the globe, and has gained quite a reputation. … read more

Localized: JAWWZZ!!

Localized: JAWWZZ!!

This month’s Localized is a cross-section of SLC punk: the visceral, dissonant hardcore punk of openers Foster Body, the surf-soaked party punk of JAWWZZ!! and the acerbic, bittersweet pop punk of Problem Daughter. The convergence of punk dexterity happens Nov. 8 at the Urban Lounge at 9 p.m., emceed by Ischa B. and sponsored by Bohemian Brewery. It’s $5 to get in if you’re 21+. If you’re not, watch it online at gigviz.com. … read more

Localized: Problem Daughter

Localized: Problem Daughter

This month’s Localized is a cross-section of SLC punk: the visceral, dissonant hardcore punk of Foster Body, the surf-soaked party punk of JAWWZZ!! and the acerbic, bittersweet pop punk of Problem Daughter. These bands have shared bills over the last few years—Foster Body and JAWWZZ!! even share a drummer. They all name each other among

Widowspeak @ Urban Lounge 10.26 with Big Wild Things, Pure Bathing Culture

Widowspeak @ Urban Lounge 10.26 with Big Wild Things, Pure...

Having been described as “cowboy grunge,” Widowspeak quilt together classic Americana with darker rock and roll touches. Their Northwest background seems to add a very ’90s texture to their music. It was a bit alarming to me that there were only 30 people at most there to witness what was sure to be a glorious set. I overcompensated my excitement with cranberry vodkas and spilled one all over the floor during the first opener, Big Wild Things. … read more

Inside the Cult of Cut Copy

Inside the Cult of Cut Copy

SLUG had the chance to chat with Cut Copy’s bassist Ben Browning about their upcoming world tour, in which Salt Lake City will be their second stop, and how they landed True Blood star Alexander Skarsgård to lead in their new music video. “We’re really interested in cults, hippie culture and rave culture of the ’80s and early ’90s,” says Browning. “The idea of a cult that listens to Cut Copy music had been an idea for a video of ours for a while.” … read more

Atlas Genius are Pop Trojans

Atlas Genius are Pop Trojans

Atlas Genius is the latest indie rock radio darling hailing from Adelaide, Australia. Their freshman release, When It Was Now (2013), has seen healthy airplay by virtue of two solid pop singles, “Trojans” and “If So.” I interviewed founding member and front man Keith Jeffery about the state of affairs in Atlas Genius.  … read more