Tyler Glenn on LOVELOUD, Neon Trees’ New Era and Becoming...
Tyler Glenn of Neon Trees has been busy. After a six-week tour Glenn will going to perform at this year’s LOVELOUD festival on November 3 at the Delta Center. … read more
Local Review: Casio Ghost – Postmodern Blues
Postmodern Blues is all the vocal reverb and twangy guitar of modern surf rock combined with the lo-fi vocal distortion and barely intelligible lyrics of Julian Casablancas. … read more
Set in Stone: An Interview with Nick Jost of Baroness
With Baizley’s deep, blistering lyrics, Gleason’s insane guitar playing and the best rhythm section in hard music composed of Jost and Thomson, Baroness will never go gentle into that good night. … read more
Review: Holly Humberstone – Paint My Bedroom Black
Paint My Bedroom Black is an album from someone who is self-assured, creative and most of all a lover of music. Humberstone is well aware of the weight and solace music can provide. … read more
Empathy Test: When Science Fiction Parallels Reality
SLUG chatted with Empathy Test frontman Isaac Howlett about global differences in concert culture, the future of AI in the music industry and the best science fiction cult classics. … read more
From Doom Metal to Gothic Folk: An Interview with The...
The Keening—the solo project of Rebecca Vernon, former vocalist for now-defunct local band SubRosa—released their debut album Little Bird on Oct. 6, full of murder ballads and folksy tones. … read more
Local Review: Media Queen – Horror
The lyrics on “Nightmare” sound like words from the twisted mouth of Freddy Krueger. Media Queen later channels a swarm of vampires on “Blood Moon.” … read more
Local Review: fezmaster – unfezed
The combination of organic and inorganic noise is whimsical and nostalgic; each sketch flows into the next so well that it truly feels like one long composition. … read more
Mission UK & The Chameleons @ Metro Music Hall 9.29
British Post-punk legends Mission UK and The Chameleons made their way to Salt Lake City for a show at Metro Music Hall on September 29, 2023. … read more
The Aces Talk Queer Coming-of-Age in Suburban Utah
Ahead of their upcoming show at The Complex on Oct. 21, the all-girls, Orem-native band The Aces chatted with SLUG about their newest album, unpacking trauma and fan support. … read more