National Music Reviews October 2016

National Music Reviews October 2016

SLUG reviews Jenny Hval, Marching Church, Danny Brown, TOY and more. … read more

Review: Marching Church – Telling It Like It Is

Review: Marching Church – Telling It Like It Is

“Telling It Like It Is” bleeds with a modern civility that seems to be pushing its way into our young, animal minds; growth pains for the self-aware, and if it hasn’t been felt before, this album is an insight into what it’s going to feel like. Marching Church brings you into this world through messages, powerful lyrics and an alienated feeling. … read more

Review: Ex-Cult – Negative Growth

Review: Ex-Cult – Negative Growth

Ex-Cult’s latest album, “Negative Growth,” hearkens back to the group’s post-punk-meets-hardcore roots and is complete with a fuzzed-out and sludgy sound. Boasting a sound with an almost unrivaled intensity, the group’s listeners can bear witness to a band that never fails to deliver. This new album is no less intense and incredible. … read more

Review: Black Marble – It’s Immaterial

Review: Black Marble – It’s Immaterial

Adding more exploratory West Coast vibes to their music, Black Marble’s newest album, “It’s Immaterial,” is one that is neither overbearing or chaotic. It exists on an industrial music landscape that leaves room for listeners to not only experience the finished product but to become acquainted with the creative process as well. … read more

Review: Carla dal Forno – You Know What It’s Like

Review: Carla dal Forno – You Know What It’s Like

Seeming preposterous that this is Carla dal Forno’s debut album, “You Know What It’s Like” is an album deeply rooted in stark minimalism with a sound palate of shadowy greys and blues. … read more

Review: Jenny Hval – Blood Bitch

Review: Jenny Hval – Blood Bitch

Beginning and ending with synth, Jenny Hval’s “Blood Bitch” is a fusion of statement art-pop, burdened breathing and provocative soundbites (see: “Last night, I took my birth control with rosé”). This artist has long been a crusader for the second sex. … read more

Review: The Growlers – City Club

Review: The Growlers – City Club

Something has been different with The Growlers lately. They’ve been coming home later, smelling like cheap perfume and whiskey with a slick new Members Only jacket and they’re not caressing our needs as much any more. “City Club” is going to challenge whole-hearted fans, but others will enjoy the new, sleek sounds that’s brought on by late-night antics and a craving for danger. … read more

Review: Void Meditation Cult – Utter the Tongue of the Dead

Review: Void Meditation Cult – Utter the Tongue of the...

Void Meditation Cult’s newest album, “Utter the Tongue of the Dead,” starts hard with frequent low blows and a guitar tone that invokes the sound of death. The progression of the album feels like its building up this ugly, mean tone, but you just have to keep listening for what it’s building to. Call Void Meditation Cult whatever you want—I’ll call it enlightening sounds for the disturbed mind. … read more