Local Review: SuperBubble – Space Bound

Local Review: SuperBubble – Space Bound

On Space Bound, SuperBubble ask: Can people ever live without rhythm? Would the world still turn without music and sound?  … read more

Local Review: The Monarchs – The Depth

Local Review: The Monarchs – The Depth

The Monarchs The Depth Self-Released Street: 09.13.19 The Monarchs = Radiohead + Deep Purple Salt Lake City–based band The Monarchs have released their newest album, The Depth. Formed in 2015, their sound is overarchingly hard rock with travels into experimentation with  doom and psych genres, compiling it all into a shoegaze-like structure. Also rooted in

Local Review: Acid Cvlt – Acid Cvlt

Local Review: Acid Cvlt – Acid Cvlt

There is something subtle about the dark, sexy synths of Acid Cvlt that get lodged into your subconscious and get you to physically nod along. … read more