SLUG Magazine’s collection of reviews covering the latest and greatest of Utah-based music, covering all varieties of genre, style and type.

Local Reviews: Data Booty

Local Reviews: Data Booty

I have listened to this tape over 1000 times now, no joke. There is something about booty house music that is so refreshing in a world of music where everyone takes themselves so seriously. MSSV Music has probably the best lineup of artists testing out new musical paths right now, and they offer free mixtapes from their site regularly.  … read more

Local reviews: Chris DeVito

Local reviews: Chris DeVito

Opening track “No Sense of Rhythm” starts this album off promisingly with propulsive drums and taut New Wave guitar, culminating in an arena-era Police-esque chorus.  Considering Chris DeVito learned drums to record this album, it’s impressive how percussion-centered the album is.  … read more

Local Reviews: Books about UFOs

Local Reviews: Books about UFOs

People say that Books about UFOs is a garage group, and the band cites 13th Floor Elevators as an influence, but they couldn’t sound less psychedelic if they tried.  If you go into this expecting to hear anything even close to The Sonics or The Reigning Sound, you’ll be pretty dissatisfied.  … read more

Local Reviews: Bears On Parade

Local Reviews: Bears On Parade

I am supposed to avoid vague, nonsensical descriptions when writing a review, but this album is slightly vague and nonsensical, so fuck it. This album is like a swim through a cave of glitter followed by that slimy feeling you get after showering in soft water.  … read more

Local Reviews: Trenton McKean

Local Reviews: Trenton McKean

Ah, the lonely life of a session musician. You make an album like The Many Shades listenable, but you will never be mentioned beyond the liner notes. I am truly sorry. Along with the expert musicianship Trenton McKean has at his employ, The Many Shades has quite a few nice things going for it.  … read more

Local Reviews: Spell Talk

Local Reviews: Spell Talk

It must be tough being a southern rock band from northern Utah, but Spell Talk has it down.  I haven’t been able to see these guys live since guitarist Dylan Roe joined the band, and this definitely isn’t how I remembered them sounding. … read more

Local Reviews: Sayde Price

Local Reviews: Sayde Price

Sayde Price’s debut album is something of a revelation. Price’s skeletal folk songs aren’t revelatory in the sense of ground breaking musically or topically, but rather in the way a voice and a guitar still sound impossibly intimate and personal after the genre has been done to death. … read more

Local Reviews: Red Bennies

Local Reviews: Red Bennies

SLC stalwarts Red Bennies have never sounded pretty. Their fuzzed-out blues-based chord progressions sound eternally mangled and mashed out of a shitty bar P.A. David Payne’s strangled yelp often writes checks his vocal chords can’t cash. … read more

Local Reviews: Reveeler

Local Reviews: Reveeler

Ogden’s Reveeler has grown leaps and bounds since the 2008 demo I reviewed. Their short but potent EP gets rid of the garage rock qualities of the demo, giving them a more refined sound. The production is definitively precise and propels the tracks into their own unique realm of metal goodness.  … read more

Local Reviews: Raw Xtract

Local Reviews: Raw Xtract

I’ve never heard anything sound quite like this record by local poet and pianist Ami Hanna.  There are moments of this scattered effort that are listenable as more conventional music, but the majority sounds like homework assignment poems read over amateur beats.  … read more