SLUG Magazine’s collection of reviews covering the latest and greatest of Utah-based music, covering all varieties of genre, style and type.

Local Reviews: The Up Collars

Local Reviews: The Up Collars

This disc got me interested in what’s going on in northern Utah, which I can’t say anything else has done in recent memory. Saxophone is mixed with shredderific guitar, thoughtful melodies and some interesting vocals form this release. … read more

Local Reviews: Starmy

Local Reviews: Starmy

While Billy Joe Armstrong is moonlighting as a 60s garage band with Foxboro, Starmy is right here in our backyard and doing it a hundred times better. So many bands out there are trying to replicate the classic rock sound, but Starmy isn’t trying to replicate anyone or anything.  … read more

Local Reviews: Stag Hare

Local Reviews: Stag Hare

Chirping birds, folk guitar, non-Western percussion and droning static harmonies � all of these aspects usually equal something you try your hardest to ignore while a Yoga instructor orders you to relax during Savasana. So why is Black Medicine Music, a disc forged with these ingredients, so interesting? … read more

Local Reviews: Pilot This Plane Down

Local Reviews: Pilot This Plane Down

I wanted to get my ears dirty. Instead of putting Pilot This Plane Down in my computer and doing three different things, I sat down with headphones. Exigent Records is like a grab bag of goodies and has released albums from many local artists that I dig.  … read more

Local Reviews: Navigator

Local Reviews: Navigator

This self-recorded album is a wonderful little discovery. Although its running time is hardly longer than twenty minutes, the songs are full of variation that stretch from extreme reverb to quiet acoustics to delicate, tinkling sounds.  … read more

Local Reviews: Laughter

Local Reviews: Laughter

Are you ready to taste the rainbow? Laughter has created a sound that dips where other locals have not. Releasing the demon of influence, You Hit the Nail on the Head has a varied rock sound. Between the second track “Auditory Ipecac” and track five “I am on my Way,” you’ll feel the slap from a Converge to Pantera sound with an underlying tribute to grunge. … read more

Local Reviews: Julio Child

Local Reviews: Julio Child

The most impressive thing about this group is that both Fisch and Ebay Jamil write the music. While most of the album tightly grasps their hiphop origins, several tracks digress into acoustic ballads that almost sound like a completely different group. Julio Child may lose the attention of some hardcore hip hop fans, because of this transition on tracks like “A Long Cold Winter,” but they’re trying to create something original.  … read more

Local Reviews: Johan the Angel

Local Reviews: Johan the Angel

This fun little four-track goes something like “The General’s Son” Pt. II, I, III, and IV and in that order. Or is it one track that just lasts eleven minutes? I think they are trying to trick us. Where is Ashton Kutcher? If I’m not being punk’d, then what was Johan the Angel thinking when they wasted however much money to put out an EP with four slightly, and I mean slightly, different tracks?  … read more

Local Reviews: I Am The

Local Reviews: I Am The

After having reviewed the EP, I thought I was prepared for whatever I Am The was going to throw at me next, but nothing could have prepared me for this full-length LP. Everything these guys did right the first time around has just been added to and amplified.  … read more

Local Reviews: Ex Machina

Local Reviews: Ex Machina

I honestly have to say that Ex Machina is probably one of the best local bands. They may be slightly inconsistent, but who isn’t. The first song on the album, “Syphoned” is by far the best track, but also seems to be sort of the bastard child. “Syphoned” comes out blaring and with serious intensity. … read more