Celebrating 25 Years of Kilby Court, The Heart of Salt Lake’s Music Scene

Celebrating 25 Years of Kilby Court, The Heart of Salt...

Kilby Court—an intimate, all-ages venue not much bigger than a two-car garage—has been at the heart of the Utah music scene for 25 years. … read more

Localized: Roses on the Moon

Localized: Roses on the Moon

Bobby B Mac and Vehnu Moon find that their creativity flows best if they put on a beat in the studio, write lyrics and immediately record it. … read more

Localized: Øutset Bandits

Localized: Øutset Bandits

Andrew, Saco and Mal of Øutset Bandits emphasize collaboration between members of their dynamic, eight-person group. … read more

The First Female Horror Host: A History of Vampira by Ashes Fallen

The First Female Horror Host: A History of Vampira by...

SLUG chatted with gothic-rock band Ashes Fallen about their tenacious investigations and archiving of Vampira’s legendary life as the world’s first female horror host. … read more

Set in Stone: An Interview with Nick Jost of Baroness

Set in Stone: An Interview with Nick Jost of Baroness

With Baizley’s deep, blistering lyrics, Gleason’s insane guitar playing and the best rhythm section in hard music composed of Jost and Thomson, Baroness will never go gentle into that good night. … read more

Empathy Test: When Science Fiction Parallels Reality

Empathy Test: When Science Fiction Parallels Reality

SLUG chatted with Empathy Test frontman Isaac Howlett about global differences in concert culture, the future of AI in the music industry and the best science fiction cult classics. … read more

From Doom Metal to Gothic Folk: An Interview with The Keening

From Doom Metal to Gothic Folk: An Interview with The...

The Keening—the solo project of Rebecca Vernon, former vocalist for now-defunct local band SubRosa—released their debut album Little Bird on Oct. 6, full of murder ballads and folksy tones. … read more

The Aces Talk Queer Coming-of-Age in Suburban Utah

The Aces Talk Queer Coming-of-Age in Suburban Utah

Ahead of their upcoming show at The Complex on Oct. 21, the all-girls, Orem-native band The Aces chatted with SLUG about their newest album, unpacking trauma and fan support. … read more

Localized: The Howlin’ Tomcats

Localized: The Howlin’ Tomcats

The Howlin’ Tomcats, made up of SLC blues veterans, invite audience members to play with them at weekly blues jams and gigs all over the valley. … read more

Localized: Megan Blue & The Bonfire

Localized: Megan Blue & The Bonfire

Megan Blue and the Bonfire‘s eclectic sound involves blues, soul, country, rock and anything else they decide works in their mixed-genre recipe. … read more