Localized: Olivia Bigelow

Localized: Olivia Bigelow

Zex Tape, like a lot of Bigelow’s work, is a cacophonous EDM bomb that can’t be defused. … read more

Talking About Burlington, VT with Brunch

Talking About Burlington, VT with Brunch

SLUG thought it would be appropriate to sit down with Brunch, a Burlington-based band, to tell us what the city (and they) are all about. … read more

Into the Bonestorm

Into the Bonestorm

A transformation from classmates to bandmates unfolded in 2019, introducing the Bonestorm we know and love today. … read more

Picking Flowers: Alvvays’ Mindful Approach to Music

Picking Flowers: Alvvays’ Mindful Approach to Music

Since 2011, Alvvays has been creating music at their own pace. Lead singer Molly Rankin’s writing process sometimes involves years of research, resulting in a collection of work that’s true-to-style. … read more

The Brooks Nielsen Interview: When You’re Living In A Dream

The Brooks Nielsen Interview: When You’re Living In A Dream

Brooks Nielsen has always had a calling with music. If you love the almost vintage stylings of old country or beach rock, catch Nielsen’s Chinese Fountain Tour. … read more

The Western Sky Serenades of Jeffrey Silverstein 

The Western Sky Serenades of Jeffrey Silverstein 

Make a new friend and groove along to Jeffrey Silverstein, in support of Mikaela Davis, at Kilby Court on Tuesday, August 6. … read more

Localized: Sean Baker’s Recycled Stardust

Localized: Sean Baker’s Recycled Stardust

The band illustrates the beauty of the human experience through community and makes music to express that. … read more

Talia Keys: “This Is What I Was Put on Earth to Do.”

Talia Keys: “This Is What I Was Put on Earth...

Born and raised in Salt Lake City, powerhouse performer Talia Keys has been playing music since she was nine years old. … read more



On the drive back from the show, Lang’s turn signal acted as the metronome while Moya pulled out his guitar to write a song. … read more

fezmaster: DIY Festival Performer

fezmaster: DIY Festival Performer

fezmaster likes to play at Salt Lake’s smaller venues; the intimate locations make it fun to get to know his audience. … read more