Crucialfest 12: An Interview with Mizmor and Døne

Crucialfest 12: An Interview with Mizmor and Døne

For local metalheads, the Crucialfest 12 is the perfect place to expand your music palette and connect with musicians of all hardcore genres. … read more

Mind the Gap Festival 2023: A Conversation with Boyish and 26fix

Mind the Gap Festival 2023: A Conversation with Boyish and...

In a joint interview with SLUG, the two indie-rock acts chat about the wild energy of Utah crowds and fending off disparaging comments from sound guys. … read more

What it Means to be ‘Tenderpunk’: An Interview with illuminati hotties

What it Means to be ‘Tenderpunk’: An Interview with illuminati...

Illuminati hotties has earned the title of tenderpunk pioneer. Sweet but tough, their music is sure to be a hit when they play at Library Square on August 3. … read more

Apocalyptic Sound: An Interview with Clan of Xymox’s Ronny Moorings

Apocalyptic Sound: An Interview with Clan of Xymox’s Ronny Moorings

Clan of Xymox believes that empathy and kindness seem to be lacking in today’s global society. One way or another, “The Great Reset” is coming. … read more

Indigo De Souza Loves You No Matter What You’re Wearing

Indigo De Souza Loves You No Matter What You’re Wearing

What would you like to do before you die? It’s an intimidating question, but Indigo De Souza is no stranger to creative contemplations on mortality. … read more

Extremity in Every Form: General Violence Conference

Extremity in Every Form: General Violence Conference

The General Violence Conference brings together nearly 30 acts from across the country who represent various corners of heavy and extreme music. … read more

Gold Mining the DC Scene with On Repeat Recordings

Gold Mining the DC Scene with On Repeat Recordings

On Repeat Recordings began as a means for revisiting and reamplifying the artists from this era through reissues of their rarely heard records. … read more

Redrox Music Festival Highlights Queer Inclusivity in Utah Arts

Redrox Music Festival Highlights Queer Inclusivity in Utah Arts

Reveling in its inclusive approach, the Redrox Music Festival stands as a beacon of queer joy in a state where such a feeling can never be too plentiful. … read more

11 Years Later, The Jungle Giants Are Still Best Friends

11 Years Later, The Jungle Giants Are Still Best Friends

The sound of The Jungle Giants’ Love Signs, which was released in summer of 2021, builds off their indie-rock roots. … read more

Rising Star BAYLI on Artistic Autonomy and Being Vulnerable in The Digital Age

Rising Star BAYLI on Artistic Autonomy and Being Vulnerable in...

An auditory encounter with up-and-coming artist BAYLI is like scattering the labels we place on ourselves over a fan into a whirlwind of originality that demands attention. … read more