Contaminated Intelligence: Unbroken Brotherly Bonds

Contaminated Intelligence: Unbroken Brotherly Bonds

Although aspects of the Contaminated Intelligence project were started years earlier, it was not until 2009 that the band was officially formed. … read more

Lucinda Williams Is Too Cool To Be Forgotten

Lucinda Williams Is Too Cool To Be Forgotten

Lucinda Williams has been a famous musician for longer than I’ve been alive, yet she recalls what it was like to step out on stage before anyone knew her name. … read more

Into the Bonestorm

Into the Bonestorm

A transformation from classmates to bandmates unfolded in 2019, introducing the Bonestorm we know and love today. … read more

Picking Flowers: Alvvays’ Mindful Approach to Music

Picking Flowers: Alvvays’ Mindful Approach to Music

Since 2011, Alvvays has been creating music at their own pace. Lead singer Molly Rankin’s writing process sometimes involves years of research, resulting in a collection of work that’s true-to-style. … read more

The Western Sky Serenades of Jeffrey Silverstein 

The Western Sky Serenades of Jeffrey Silverstein 

Make a new friend and groove along to Jeffrey Silverstein, in support of Mikaela Davis, at Kilby Court on Tuesday, August 6. … read more

Localized: Sean Baker’s Recycled Stardust

Localized: Sean Baker’s Recycled Stardust

The band illustrates the beauty of the human experience through community and makes music to express that. … read more

Talia Keys: “This Is What I Was Put on Earth to Do.”

Talia Keys: “This Is What I Was Put on Earth...

Born and raised in Salt Lake City, powerhouse performer Talia Keys has been playing music since she was nine years old. … read more

Opaque Shades: Strength Through Tenure and Tenacity

Opaque Shades: Strength Through Tenure and Tenacity

Tenure speaks volumes when it comes to professionalism, reliability and quality, and both Ben Stich Houtz and Miah Smith have been active fixtures in the local goth community for decades. … read more

MØTRIK Behind the Kraut

MØTRIK Behind the Kraut

In the end, MØTRIK loves being weird and having fun for the sake of making music, and they aren’t too concerned about what anyone thinks. … read more

Cruisin’ The Current: A Quick Chat with Current Joys

Cruisin’ The Current: A Quick Chat with Current Joys

Through manic, scribbled-out notes and a partially-eaten tape cassette, Rattigan detailed a behind-the-scenes look to his DIY style and musical antecedent.  … read more