Marissa Nadler: The Artist

Marissa Nadler: The Artist

Artists like Marissa Nadler don’t come around that often: artists who create their own animated music videos, artists who challenge the system enough to upset it, artists who are truly gracious. … read more

Wye Oak: On Making a Not-Album

Wye Oak: On Making a Not-Album

Wye Oak surged through self-imposed restrictions and are able to freely create together. Releasing Shriek put the duo in a state of mind where anything is possible—a breakthrough that may be the reason for calling Tweens a “not-album,” as it lies outside the preconceived ideas of a typical record. … read more

The Soul of Salt Lake: The Second Annual Utah Blues Festival

The Soul of Salt Lake: The Second Annual Utah Blues...

The Utah Blues Festival is not only a fun and family-friendly event; it’s also the largest fundraiser in Utah for the Blues Foundation. … read more

Pine Hill Haints: Spirits That Are Willing

Pine Hill Haints: Spirits That Are Willing

If it’s the latest, up-to-the-minute, newfangled music you want, you better look elsewhere, because that’s not what the Pine Hill Haints do. If you want honesty and candor done creatively, that’s what the Haints deliver in droves. … read more

The Top Form of Rocket Concert Memories

The Top Form of Rocket Concert Memories

Form of Rocket will re-emerge after four years of inactivity to blow the top off of Kilby Court this Saturday, June 11, for Crucial Warmup Pt. 1 with Baby Gurl and Worst Friends. To prepare, Form of Rocket asked their Facebook followers for their first/best/worst/favorite FOR memories. … read more

Azizi Gibson: Starting His New Life with a New Brand of Underground Rap

Azizi Gibson: Starting His New Life with a New Brand...

Azizi Gibson has been recording his own unique brand of hip-hop for several years now. He has been adopting new styles in his music lately, drawing influences from growing up overseas as well as popular culture. … read more

Crucialfest 6ccess

Crucialfest 6ccess

Six years into its journey, Crucialfest has grown from a burgeoning side project into a regionally acclaimed heavy music festival and a beloved summer staple for Salt Lake musicphiles. … read more

The Band That Lived: Paul DeGeorge of Harry and the Potters

The Band That Lived: Paul DeGeorge of Harry and the...

Centered primarily around J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter book series and the movies that followed, Harry and the Potters are known for epitomizing Harry Potter fan culture with catchy, keyboard-laden jams that capture the campy yet somewhat serious nature of Rowling’s novels, which they’ll soon bring to Salt Lake City on May 28 at Kilby Court. … read more

A Poet for the Proletariat

A Poet for the Proletariat

Poet’s strongest attribute is his passion, no doubt. It’s easy to tell that he appreciates his listeners’ aural patronage, and he gives you everything he has—the good and the bad. … read more

Climbing the Forever Mountain with Voivod’s Dan Chewy Mongrain

Climbing the Forever Mountain with Voivod’s Dan Chewy Mongrain

There are those bands that only a few seconds in—the instant you hear the opening riffs— you instantly know who they are, mostly because the only bands that sound like them are their imitators. Voidvod are one of those bands. … read more