Eyes Lips Eyes, Seve Vs. Evan, Red Orange and Apt/Chance Lewis @ Velour 09.09

Eyes Lips Eyes, Seve Vs. Evan, Red Orange and Apt/Chance...

I was looking forward to this show for a long time. Eyes Lips Eyes used to be located in Provo for a few years as Elizabethan Report before they relocated to LA and changed their name. They released their first LP, Blue Red, in Provo that night before holding a show release in LA at The Roxy on September 16. … read more

Gillian Welch and David Rawlings @ Kingsbury Hall 09.09

Gillian Welch and David Rawlings @ Kingsbury Hall 09.09

When I first found out about this event, I’d never heard of Gillian Welch or David Rawlings, at least I thought I hadn’t. A quick peruse of the Internet revealed Welch’s work with “I’ll Fly Away” and “Didn’t Leave Nobody But The Baby” on the O Brother, Where Art Thou? soundtrack, which happened to be one of my favorite CDs back in the day. … read more

The Used @ Dew Tour 09.09

The Used @ Dew Tour 09.09

 When I found out The Used was playing at Dew Tour on Friday, I squealed in delight. Well … the 16-year-old scene girl buried inside of me squealed, that is. … read more

Thievery Corporation @ Red Butte Garden 09.01

Thievery Corporation @ Red Butte Garden 09.01

The influential dub and electronic producing duo,Thievery Corporation, have never been to Utah before, but their group finally landed in Red Butte Garden to a huge swirl of smoke and approval. … read more

Sole and the Skyrider Band, Dopethought @ Kilby 08.25

Sole and the Skyrider Band, Dopethought @ Kilby 08.25

The loyalest of fans showed up to see Sole and the Skyrider Band at Kilby for what I can only describe as the most intimate show I have ever been to. … read more

Aesop Rock, Kimya Dawson, DJ Big Wiz, Rob Sonic @ Urban 08.24

Aesop Rock, Kimya Dawson, DJ Big Wiz, Rob Sonic @...

When I walk into the darkly lit Urban Lounge, I am warmly greeted by not only one bar, but two. They’re expecting a big crowd tonight, and I’m not at all surprised, as Kimya Dawson and Aesop Rock are both huge names in the music industry, but on total opposite sides of the genre pool. … read more

Atmosphere @ The Complex 08.20

Atmosphere @ The Complex 08.20

Atmosphere’s following has seemingly doubled in Utah since the hip hop duo played at In the Venue in 2009. On August 20, they packed The Complex full as they toured with Evidence and DJ Babu (originally from Dilated Peoples), Blueprint and Prof for their Family Vacation Tour. … read more

A Perfect Circle, Red Bacteria Vacuum @ Kingsbury Hall 08.01

A Perfect Circle, Red Bacteria Vacuum @ Kingsbury Hall 08.01

I don’t know why I’m always thrown off seeing a rock show in a venue such as Kingsbury Hall or the Capitol Theatre. Something about the glitz and glamour in contrast to the dingy concert tees and occasional bout of body odor throws my concert sensors off for some reason. … read more

Cerebral Ballzy @ The Complex 07.20

Cerebral Ballzy @ The Complex 07.20

Nothing is worse than a poorly promoted show. It breaks my heart to see a touring band playing to a sparse crowd whose members are more interested in playing Words with Friends on their iPhones than they are with what is happening on stage. … read more

Dead But Dreaming: Rockstar Mayhem Festival 2011

Dead But Dreaming: Rockstar Mayhem Festival 2011

The day started early, but already the summer sun was scorching the thousands of eager fans lined up outside the gates. The Main Stage was still being drilled and hammered together, so I followed the river of black shirts down a grassy knoll and to the huge side field where the Revolver and Jagermeister stages had been set up, one at each end, ringed by the merch booths of every band on the tour. … read more